Hands On Gaming Podcast

Hands On Gaming

Hands On Gaming
Join BastichB from YouTube Channel 64K and Daz from Retro Domination & The Arcade Perfect Podcast as they compare home computer and console games of yesteryear. From the Atari 2600, C64, Zx Spectrum to the PlayStation One and Sega Saturn. The team will cover game publishers from all over the world like Mastertronic, Gremlin Graphics, Capcom, Sega, Codemasters and many more. Join the team and relive your childhood. It's a blast!
Hands On Gaming Ep 14 - A New Beginning
After a long break the team is back with a new fresh coat of paint. They have decided to take the show on a more relaxed personal direction with lots of chit chat, reviews and topics they choose to talk about. We hope you enjoy this new direction and stay for the ride. Enjoy. Feel free to follow us on Social media below. https://twitter.com/Handson_gaming Daz Twitter - https://twitter.com/DazAU78 BastichB Twitter - https://twitter.com/bastichb64k Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/BastichB64K Facebook - www.facebook.com/bastichb64kacebook - Louie Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/retrogamernation Twitter - https://twitter.com/RetroGamerNatn Facebook - www.facebook.com/retrogamernation Intro/Outro music – Remix Flimbo's Quest “Pearly Gates” Music used under fair use. https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03080
Mar 26, 2023
1 hr 8 min
Hands On Gaming Ep 13 - World Games
We're back after a little break and we have a new member on the show. Louie from Retro Gamer Nation has entered the building and will be joining us from here on. The game we look at this ep is World Games from Epyx and it was a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Did the game live up to its expectations after all these years? Which version is best? You better listen and find out! Feel free to follow us on Social media below. https://twitter.com/Handson_gaming Daz Twitter -  https://twitter.com/DazAU78 BastichB Twitter - https://twitter.com/bastichb64k Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/BastichB64K Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bastichb64k Louie Retro Gamer Nation Twitter - https://twitter.com/RetroGamerNatn Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroGamerNation A big thank you Jeroen Tel for given us his blessing to use the Cybernoid 2 remix as our podcast theme. You can find him here https://soundcloud.com/maniacs-of-noise Big thanks to Gary Arnott for making our cool Podcast Icons. Follow him on Twitter here https://twitter.com/GaryArnott
Sep 27, 2022
1 hr 13 min
Hands On Gaming Ep 12 - Exolon
PEW PEW PEW, We're finally back after life has gotten in the way. This ep Daz and Bastichb  review the great Hewson game Exolon. Can the 8bit versions compete with their 16bit cousins? Find out on this ep. They also have a quick chat about the new C64 game Knights and Slimes by Monte Boyd. Enjoy Exolon Windows updates Exolon Redux https://benjames171.itch.io/exolon-redux Exolon DX https://archive.org/details/exolondx_v1_04 You can buy Knights and Slimes here- https://monteboyd.itch.io/ Retro Gamer Nation Exclusive review - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5bSOdJozYo Feel free to follow us on Social media below. https://twitter.com/Handson_gaming Daz Twitter -  https://twitter.com/DazAU78 BastichB Twitter - https://twitter.com/bastichb64k Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/BastichB64K Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bastichb64kacebook - A big thank you Jeroen Tel for given us his blessing to use the Cybernoid 2 remix as our podcast theme. You can find him here https://soundcloud.com/maniacs-of-noise Big thanks to Gary Arnott for making our cool Podcast Icons. Follow him on Twitter here https://twitter.com/GaryArnott
Aug 21, 2022
35 min
Hands On Gaming Special Guest Ep - Monte Boyd
On his episode Daz has gone solo hosting the show but with a special guest. Monte Boyd C64 game creator extraordinaire. They speak about past and future games games Monte has in store and also a brief history growing up in gaming and programming. We hope you enjoy something different on the show. A big thank you to our guest Monte Boyd for joining us on the show. You can see what he's up to below: https://twitter.com/monteboyd https://monteboyd.itch.io/ Feel free to follow us on Social media below. https://twitter.com/Handson_gaming Daz Twitter -  https://twitter.com/DazAU78 BastichB Twitter - https://twitter.com/bastichb64k Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/BastichB64K Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bastichb64kacebook - A big thank you Jeroen Tel for given us his blessing to use the Cybernoid 2 remix as our podcast theme. You can find him here https://soundcloud.com/maniacs-of-noise Big thanks to Gary Arnott for making our cool Podcast Icons. Follow him on Twitter here https://twitter.com/GaryArnott
Aug 2, 2022
28 min
Hands On Gaming - ZX Spectrum 40th Anniversary Special
We're back but we're in all our colour clash glory as we celebrate the Zx Spectrum's 40thAnniversary. This is a beginners guide for us as we didn't have this computer growing up in Australia and Sth Africa so we've ask for help from our Zx Spectrum friends to show us what the computer is all about. Please join us as we play through some recommendations we received. Turn your beeper up for some classic Speccy sound. A big thank you to the following guests who contributed to the podcast. Andy Godoy https://www.facebook.com/groups/235529936956300 Gordon King & Paul Driscoll https://twitter.com/RGDSpodcast Kim Justice https://twitter.com/KimxxxJusticeor https://www.youtube.com/c/KimbleJustice Mats https://www.youtube.com/c/gearsofgameschannel Dave https://twitter.com/SpectrumTintedor https://www.youtube.com/rosetintedspectrum Stewie https://twitter.com/stewie55uk Dean Swain https://twitter.com/TheRetroAsylum Feel free to follow us on Social media below. https://twitter.com/Handson_gaming Daz Twitter -  https://twitter.com/DazAU78 BastichB Twitter - https://twitter.com/bastichb64k Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/BastichB64K Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bastichb64kacebook - A big thank you Jeroen Tel for given us his blessing to use the Cybernoid 2 remix as our podcast theme. You can find him here https://soundcloud.com/maniacs-of-noise Big thanks to Gary Arnott for making our cool Podcast Icons. Follow him on Twitter here https://twitter.com/GaryArnott
Jun 19, 2022
1 hr 56 min
Hands On Gaming Ep 11 - Impossible Mission
AAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! We thought this episode was impossible!! Boom Tish. The Hands On Gaming listeners wanted it so we did it. This ep we look at all of the ports for Impossible Mission. Which ports were unplayable? Did any feel better than the C64 original? Lets just say we were a little surprised with a few of these. So please download the ep, listen and Stay awhile, stay forever!!!! Feel free to follow us on Social media below. https://twitter.com/Handson_gaming Daz Twitter -  https://twitter.com/DazAU78 BastichB Twitter - https://twitter.com/bastichb64k Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/BastichB64K Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bastichb64kacebook - A big thank you Jeroen Tel for given us his blessing to use the Cybernoid 2 remix as our podcast theme. You can find him here https://soundcloud.com/maniacs-of-noise Big thanks to Gary Arnott for making our cool Podcast Icons. Follow him on Twitter here https://twitter.com/GaryArnott
May 22, 2022
1 hr 11 min
Hands On Gaming - C64 40th Anniversary Special
We're finally back for a special ep. Seeing it's the 40th anniversary of the C64 our much loved computer we thought we'd dedicate a whole ep to our favourite little brown box with the help of the online gaming community. We talk about our fav games and stories of yesteryear, we also drop in a few games that we thought were complete stinkers. So put your feet up because this is a long one. Enjoy! Feel free to follow us on Social media below. https://twitter.com/Handson_gaming Daz Twitter -  https://twitter.com/DazAU78 BastichB Twitter - https://twitter.com/bastichb64k Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/BastichB64K Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bastichb64kacebook - A big thank you Jeroen Tel for given us his blessing to use the Cybernoid 2 remix as our podcast theme. You can find him here https://soundcloud.com/maniacs-of-noise Big thanks to Gary Arnott for making our cool Podcast Icons. Follow him on Twitter here https://twitter.com/GaryArnott --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A big thank you to the following people who contributed to the show. Andrew Fisher (Twitter) @merman1974 Chris Stanley (Twitter) @ScubaChris72 Jarle (Fastloaders) (Twitter) @FastLoaders Judge Drokk (Twitter) @JudgeDrokk Kenz - http://www.psytronik.net/ Max Hall (Chip Sid Show) Chip SID Show – Mug UK's Home (mug-uk.co.uk) Chris Willock  - https://www.youtube.com/c/PantherUK David Motowylak - (Twitter) @davidmt Adam- (Twitter) @C64Chronicles Adrian & Graham Zapped to the Past – (Twitter) @zappedtothe Antonio Savona (Twitter) @tonysavon Marc Macrae (ZZap Amiga) ZZAP! AMIGA – Fusion Retro Books - @Retro_Fusion Mike AKA Knight Rider (Excess) [CSDb] - Excess (Germany) Phil Wheatley (Facebook) Commodore 64/128 | WEEKEND GAMES IDEAS: Spelunker / Starfire / Super Pipeline 2 😀 | Facebook Ricki Sickenger (Twitter) @bag_of_hats Tim (Protovision) Protovision - High Quality C64 Entertainment Software Louie (RGN) RetroGamerNation – YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroGamerNation Chester Kolschen (Knights of Bytes) Knights of Bytes | Facebook Mark C – Retro Domination – (Twitter) https://twitter.com/RetroDomination Andy Godoy FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/235529936956300 Matts – Gears Of Games – Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/gearsofgameschannel Gordan King – RGDS (Twitter) - https://twitter.com/RGDSpodcast Steve Erickson – Retro Asylum (Twitter) - https://twitter.com/TheRetroAsylum Todd – Top Loader – (Twitter) - https://twitter.com/The_Top_Loader Stuart Collier – Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Iconc64/
Apr 7, 2022
2 hr 45 min
Hands On Gaming Ep 10 - Treasure Island Dizzy
We're back after our break, two months felt like an eternity. On ep 10 we review the brutal but fun Treasure Island Dizzy. We are joined by Dave from the Youtube channel Rose Tinted Spectrum as he schools Daz and Brendan how Dizzy should be played. Which version is most preferred? Which did disappoint? Download and find out. Thanks for listening. Now lets get that egg rolling! You can find Dave  here: https://twitter.com/SpectrumTinted& https://www.youtube.com/c/RoseTintedSpectrum Get your Dizzy news from the Dizzy Fan site: https://yolkfolk.com/ Feel free to follow us on Social media below. https://twitter.com/Handson_gaming Daz Twitter -  https://twitter.com/DazAU78 BastichB Twitter - https://twitter.com/bastichb64k Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/BastichB64K Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bastichb64kacebook - A big thank you Jeroen Tel for given us his blessing to use the Cybernoid 2 remix as our podcast theme. You can find him here https://soundcloud.com/maniacs-of-noise Big thanks to Gary Arnott for making our cool Podcast Icons. Follow him on Twitter here https://twitter.com/GaryArnott Check out Retro Gamer Nation at these sites : https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroGamerNation& https://twitter.com/RetroGamerNatn
Feb 20, 2022
53 min
Hands On Gaming Ep 09 - Spy VS Spy
We're are finally back and the Twitter poll has spoken once again. Spy VS Spy by First Star Software was the winner and what a cracker of an episode it is. We are joined by Mark from Australia's own Retro Domination so as always we give this game a thorough review. Which version takes first price? Which is the stinker? As always thank you for joining us. This is a fun one! You can find Mark C and the RD team here: https://twitter.com/RetroDominationand https://www.facebook.com/RetroDomination Feel free to follow us on Social media below. Daz Twitter -  https://twitter.com/DazAU78 BastichB Twitter - https://twitter.com/bastichb64k Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ9wMZNpJn07oufDIfWhgtw Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bastichb64kacebook - A big thank you Jeroen Tel for given us his blessing to use the Cybernoid 2 remix as our podcast theme. You can find him here https://soundcloud.com/maniacs-of-noise Big thanks to Gary Arnott for making our cool Podcast Icons. Follow him on Twitter here https://twitter.com/GaryArnott
Dec 1, 2021
1 hr 4 min
Hands On Gaming Ep 08 - Bruce Lee
We are back once again with a new episode. This time we are joined by the lads from the Zapped To Past Podcast, Adrian and Graham. We review all ports of the great Bruce Lee from Datasoft. Lets just say it's an interesting result, one could even say controversial. So get your Nun chucks out, put on your head phones and listen to the what the guys have to say. We hope you enjoy the show. Adios!  You can find Zapped team here: https://twitter.com/zappedtothe Feel free to follow us on Social media below. Daz Twitter -  https://twitter.com/DazAU78 BastichB Twitter - https://twitter.com/bastichb64k Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ9wMZNpJn07oufDIfWhgtw Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bastichb64kacebook - A big thank you Jeroen Tel for given us his blessing to use the Cybernoid 2 remix as our podcast theme. You can find him here https://soundcloud.com/maniacs-of-noise Big thanks to Gary Arnott for making our cool Podcast Icons. Follow him on Twitter here https://twitter.com/GaryArnott
Oct 31, 2021
1 hr 44 min
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