Hadar Campus Scholars Podcast

Hadar Campus Scholars

David Zvi Kalman
This podcast is associated with Hadar Campus Scholars, which is itself a program of Mechon Hadar, an egalitarian, non-denominational yeshiva in New York City.
Torah & Tech: Complicated Technological Systems
What happens when it is no longer obvious how a technology works? To what degree are rabbis responsible to fully understand the technological systems with which they are grappling? The source sheet for this class can be found here: http://goo.gl/UK0ZXN
Oct 1, 2014
1 hr
Torah & Tech: A Formal Invitation
This is a short invitation to this series of classes, taught by David Zvi Kalman at Penn Hillel. It explains the rationale behind the class and the hopes that have gone into its creation.
Sep 7, 2014
13 min
How to Prep and Deliver a Great Dvar Torah (sources in notes)
This class was co-taught by David Zvi Kalman and Rabbi Jonathan Shulman on April 24, 2014. davidzvi.com/onhalakhah/how_to_dvar_torah_sources.pdf
Apr 28, 2014
51 min
God through Anger (sources in notes)
This class lays out several ways in which it is possible to have a relationship with God based in feelings of anger and investigates why one would wish to do such a thing in the first place. Delivered on April 9, 2014. http://davidzvi.com/onhalakhah/03_God_through_Anger_sources.pdf
Apr 10, 2014
1 hr 12 min
God Is: A Person (sources in notes)
A survey of two major ways in which Jewish sources have related to God as being a person. This class was originally delivered on Mar. 3, 2014. http://davidzvi.com/onhalakhah/02_God_is_a_Person_sources.pdf
Mar 4, 2014
57 min
God Is: Jewish (sources in notes)
This class was originally delivered on Feb. 24, 2014. The topic was notions of God in Judaism where God is understood as having some kind of special relationship with the Jewish people. Source sheet: http://davidzvi.com/onhalakhah/01_God_is_Jewish_sources.pdf
Feb 25, 2014
1 hr 1 min
Introduction to "God Is"
This is a short statement explaning the structure of the class.
Feb 13, 2014
8 min
On Halakhah: How does Halakhah deal with new technologies? (sources in notes)
This class is part of the second version of the series. It uses rabbinic responses to new technologies (e.g. electricity,lab-grown meat, Jews in space) as a peculiar subset of Halakhah which helps illuminate how rabbis negotiate between halakhic sources and their realities. It was delivered by David Zvi Kalman at Penn on Dec. 3, 2013. Source sheet: davidzvi.com/onhalakhah/On_Halakhah_and_New_Technologies.pdf
Dec 5, 2013
56 min
On Halakhah: Finding a Lost God in Halakhah (sources in notes)
This class is an attempt to provide new ways of thinking about God that do not clash with the way of thinking about God that we have so far put forward in this series. It was delivered by David Zvi Kalman at Penn on April 24, 2013. Source sheet: davidzvi.com/onhalakhah/On_Halakhah_10_Halakhan_and_Theology.pdf
Apr 25, 2013
57 min
On Halakhah: Taking Social Justice Halakhah Seriously (sources in notes)
This class is an attempt to reconcile issues of social justice with traditional modes of halakhic interpretations. The class was given on April 10, 2013, at Penn by David Zvi Kalman. Source sheet: davidzvi.com/onhalakhah/On_Halakhah_9_Is_Social_Justice_Halakhah_a_Farce.pdf
Apr 11, 2013
50 min
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