The Innovator's Mic
The Innovator's Mic
March Communications
55 - 'Conversational Marketing' and Treating People Like People
21 minutes Posted Mar 27, 2019 at 9:00 pm.
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March's Kelly O'Brien and Alex Jafarzadeh chop it up over Conversational Marketing, the new release from Drift's David Cancel & Dave Gerhardt and the first selection of Overbooked, the new March book club. Alex and Kelly talk about the lessons that PR professionals and marketers can learn from the book, including insights on customer loyalty and why it's important to market like you're an actual human being.

Plus, we feature bonus audio from Dave Gerhardt's recent appearance at the March Innovators Collective, where he talks about the role social proof played in creating buzz for Conversational Marketing before its release.

Overbooked will keep on rolling in Q2: Every quarter, we’ll select a hot new release with a technology innovation theme to read together, and we'll be announcing our next selection in April. If you have any ideas or recommendations on great books to read, Tweet us @MarchComms.

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