HA Life in Taiwan Podcast

HA Life in Taiwan

HA Life in Taiwan
Republic of China? Taiwan? Traditional Chinese? Mandarin? Taiwanese? There are so much more you need to know!!! 臺灣?繁體字?普通話?台語?客家話? 平價的美食?好客熱情?治安良好? 連臺灣人都未可知的臺灣, 一起來探索吧!
S1EP2 空服員哪有那麼爽?!ft. 橘子
How do you think the job as a flying attendant? It would be a huge misunderstanding if you dreamt to make a living and traveling at the same time. Flying attendant is not just being pretty and serves you a cup of hot coffee. It's about to keep a safe trip when you are isolated above the sky. 妝美美~送送餐~打打卡~出國玩~ 迷思深重啊!各位姐姐妹妹! 補眠調時差都來不及了還出去玩?! 想當空中跪婦?各種大小考試滿分唯一解。 漫長又艱辛的求職過程與各種生理失衡一次報你知!
Nov 22, 2020
36 min
S1EP1 Have you ever heard about "TAKAU" ? Ft. Kiwi
連台灣人都不一定知道的「打狗」。 有請桃園媳婦、原高雄妹-Kiwi來暢談高雄的一切。 Welcome everybody to know more about the south of Taiwan (mostly, Kaohsiung). A different point of view from Kiwi to understand Taiwan.
Oct 7, 2020
25 min