GuildCast 46: RNG Sends Guild Wars 2 Players Raging to the Forums
50 minutes Posted Oct 24, 2012 at 9:34 pm.
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Feeling lucky? If you're one of the many people who have been buying Black Lion keys, then probably not. The low drop rate and dice rolling of RNG has meant some people have blown a whole lot of cash in the gem store to end up with not a lot in the way of Halloween goodies. Did you get a chainsaw sword skin on your first try? If so, don't mention it to Elisabeth. We look at the controversy and whether the response by ArenaNet is up to par. Whether this aspect of the festivities has left you pulling your hair out, there's no doubt there's a lot of content strewn across Tyria to sink your sweet tooth into. We talk about just what is available and whether we're getting indigestion from all the candy corn -- seriously, does anyone actually eat that vile stuff? Patch notes arrive with the regularity of Gary's troll videos and this week is no exception -- in either case. Karma rewards were added. Is this a good thing? Is the dance I just had to do at the mere mention of it an indication? There's a skritt burgular on the loose. Yes, a burgular. Don't ask questions. Before we get lost in theft and too many vowels, we talk about just what has landed in Guild Wars 2 with this new patch beyond all the spooky goings on. Class tweaks and changes have arrived, particularly for all you Elementalists out there. Guardian's also saw some adjustments, will I explode into a fiery rage? It is Wednesday after all... Throw in viewer questions and that's a whole lot of show to take care of. Joining GAMEBREAKER's Gary Gannon are Richie Procopio, Massively's Elisabeth Cardy and ZAM's Scott Hawkes for a troll dancing episode of GuildCast!