GTD® Virtual Study Group
GTD® Virtual Study Group
111: The GTD VSG Welcomes Michelle Gunn As the New Co-host and an Amazing Group Conversation On How To Overcome Overwhelm!
56 minutes Posted Nov 9, 2013 at 8:18 am.
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In this episode of the GTD Virtual Study Group, we covered to big topics! The first is my big announcement regarding the format of the study group, and the second is our topic for our group discussion today on overwhelm.
First, my big announcement! On the fourth Thursday of each month, I’ll be releasing an exclusive interview with another expert in the productivity space. I will have recorded that program over the weekend on my free time, which allows me to spend all of my focus during the week where it should be with my clients. And, on the second Thursday of each month, we will have the live call. And so, I have decided to bring on a co-host to help me with the live portion of the program. Who else better to have as a co-host then a GTD Virtual Study Group listener since 2009, an avid GTD follower, and someone who has spent her professional life in management, project management, and people management across multiple industries. Someone who is adept at listening to people and organizational needs to help build solutions. That person is Michelle Gunn.
You're going to love this show! Michelle is an amazing moderator and in this first program with her co-hosting, she helped moderate an incredibly amazing and inspiring conversation on how to overcome that feeling of overwhelm. Please welcome Michelle as the new co-host of the program!!
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