Glorious in the Mundane Podcast with Christy Nockels
Glorious in the Mundane Podcast with Christy Nockels
Christy Nockels
GITM #19 Ann Voskamp
56 minutes Posted Nov 17, 2016 at 7:49 am.
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Welcome to the Glorious in the Mundane podcast! Today I am so excited to be sitting down with the lovely Ann Voskamp! I caught Ann while she was in town on her book release tour a few weeks ago while she was staying with our mutual friend Rebekah Lyons. I love this podcast because it was SO last minute, so off the cuff and REALLY late at night. We did actually have to edit out quite a bit of laughter because at one point we got a little bit delirious! I loved asking Ann what life was like BEFORE her first book…what was an everyday life like on the farm before there were things like book tours in her life! We also of course get into a little bit about her new book called The Broken Way, which I fell in love with the title RIGHT away! I love Ann’s poetic style of LIFE in general but also how raw she is and transparent. It’s really beautiful. Also, you’ll get to hear our special announcement at the end of the podcast, so don’t miss it! Thank you for tuning in today!

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