Globus Podcast


Elizabeth Kostina
Globus is a technical exploration of contemporary sustainable development efforts in the US and beyond. Hosted by SDSN Youth USA network coordinators Elizabeth Kostina and Nikita Angarski.
Globus Podcast - s.2 e.4, with Prof. Richard Lazarus
This week we were joined by Richard Lazarus, the Howard and Katherine Aibel Professor of Law at Harvard University, where he teaches environmental law, natural resources Law, Supreme Court advocacy, and torts. Professor Lazarus has represented the United States, state and local governments, and environmental groups in the United States Supreme Court in 40 cases and has presented oral arguments in 14 of those cases. His primary areas of legal scholarship are environmental and natural resources law, with particular emphasis on constitutional law and the Supreme Court. He has published two books, The Making of Environmental Law (U. Chicago 2004), and Environmental Law Stories (Aspen Press, co-edited with O. Houck 2005) and The Rule of Five: Making Climate History at the Supreme Court (Belknap Press 2020). He was also the principal author of Deep Water - The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling (GPO 2011), which is the Report to the President of the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling Commission, for which he served as the Executive Director. The Commission was charged with investigating the root causes of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 and recommending changes in law and policy to reduce the risk of future spills and to mitigate their impacts. P
Jun 2, 2022
1 hr 2 min
Podcast Globus - s.2 e.3, with Prof. Gordon McCord
Gordon McCord is the associate dean of Student Affairs at the School of Global Policy and Strategy, as well as an associate teaching professor of economics. He directs the SDG Policy Initiative at GPS, which uses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for bringing together policymakers and researchers to inform evidence-based solutions for a sustainable future, and is a senior advisor to the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He works at the intersection of development economics, public health, and the environment and is renowned for his research employing spatial data analysis to explore topics such as sustainable land use, the evolving role of geography in economic development, the burden of infectious diseases such as malaria in a changing climate, the impact of agricultural technology diffusion and spatial patterns of violent conflict. We had the chance to speak to him about data as the future of SDG work, the necessity to localize SDG solutions, and how to bridge questions of communication.
May 21, 2022
43 min
Podcast Globus - s.2 e.2, with Juan Pablo Solis
Juan Pablo Solis is the Senior Advisor of Climate and Environment to Fairtrade International. Fairtrade International is the world-renowned NGO seeking to make consumption ethical and to ensure fair outcomes to the producers that the Global North Depends on. Nikita and Juan Pablo spoke about the effects of Climate Change on production and consumption, some of the economics behind Fairtrade's policies and what lies ahead for the world of ethical trade.  If you want to know more about Fairtrade and their current developments, or are looking to get involved, visit their website, and follow them on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram.  If you are curious about more of Juan Pablo's work at Fairtrade, follow him on Twitter @jpsolisv. 
Apr 4, 2022
36 min
Podcast Globus - s.2 e.1, with Chris Castro
WELCOME TO THE FIRST EPISODE OF SEASON 2! Chris serves as the Senior Advisor to Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, Director of Sustainability & Resilience, and 'Future-Ready' steering committee member at the City of Orlando. In his role, Chris works to advance a comprehensive set of policies & programs that has turned Orlando into one of the leading cities in America accelerating sustainability, resiliency, and climate action. Chris is best known for his entrepreneurial efforts prior to coming to the City, including co-founder and President of the global sustainability nonprofit, IDEAS For Us, a clean energy consulting firm Citizen Energy, and a renowned urban farming social enterprise Fleet Farming. In 2020, Chris also joined partners to launch ‘Climate First Bank’, the first B-Corp community bank in Florida working to advance ESG and local sustainable investing. Outside of work, Chris serves on many nonprofit and academic boards, including the UCF Energy Research Center, US Green Building Council of Florida, Project Greenschools, and Goodwill Industries of Central Florida. In December 2018, Chris starred in the National Geographic documentary on climate change called ‘Paris to Pittsburgh’ to share the Orlando journey on climate action to millions of people around the World. Chris' businesses: Follow Chris below: City of Orlando Resources: Green Works website: Green Works Community Action Plan: Orlando Voluntary Local Review (VLR) of the SDGs:
Apr 4, 2022
36 min
Podcast Globus - s.1 e.5, with Dr. Sherilee Harper
In this episode of Globus we spoke with Dr. Sherilee Harper: a Canada Research Chair in Climate Change and Health and an Associate Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta. Her research investigates associations between climate and indigenous health in the context of climate change, and she collaborates with diverse partners to prioritize climate-related health actions, planning, interventions, and research. She is a Lead Author on the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6-WG2), and served on the IPCC Gender Task Group as well. In this episode, we spoke about the latest IPCC report, COP26, and the different impacts of climate change on indigenous communities.
Dec 14, 2021
28 min
Podcast Globus - s.1 e.4, with Dr. Afreen Siddiqi
In this episode, we were fortunate to speak with Afreen Siddiqi, an incredible scientist with numerous awards, fellowships, and publications. She is a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)  and a visiting scholar at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School. She has an S.B. in Mechanical Engineering, an S.M. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a Ph.D. in Aerospace Systems, all from MIT. Her research focuses on questions of systems planning and performance and water, energy, agriculture, and space systems. In past work, she has developed approaches for studying couplings between water, energy, and food security, formulated adaptive decision frameworks for infrastructure planning, created methods for assessing new urban infrastructure, and developed methods for identifying opportunities for coordinating resource use. In more recent work, she has formulated new metrics and frameworks for quantifying equity in sociotechnical systems with applications in irrigation systems. In this episode, we speak about some of her recent analytical work, the role that scientists play in sustainability, and how we can all be more proactive about using our strengths to help the climate change cause.
Dec 13, 2021
38 min
Podcast Globus - s.1 e.3, with Sandra Winther and William Crouse
We spoke with Sandra Winther and William Crouse this week about their film Lowland Kids. The film tackles the subject of climate change through the eyes of two American teenagers in the Isle de Jean Charles community of southern Louisiana. Watch Lowland Kids here.
Nov 2, 2021
54 min
Podcast Globus - s.1 e.2, with Devi Lockwood
In our second episode, we were thrilled to be joined by Devi Lockwood. We talked about the substance of powerful stories, the delicacy and strength of human psychology in pursuing a goal, and how storytelling is an integral part of combatting the climate crisis. You can buy Devi’s book from Simon and Schuster and learn more at
Oct 13, 2021
41 min
Podcast Globus - s.1 e.1, with Jeffrey Sachs
Jeffrey Sachs joins us on our inaugural episode to discuss climate change, where leadership needs to be for the US to achieve the SDGs, and what sustainable development is.
Sep 13, 2021
40 min