Globe Miami Talk Podcast

Globe Miami Talk

Stacey Murry and Matthew Storms
Why do you love Globe Miami? It doesn't matter if you have lived here all your life or just relocated Globe-Miami is an amazing place. Join Stacey and Matt as they explore what makes Globe-Miami such an amazing place and what the future holds for our amazing community. We'll talk with local business owners, community members, elected officials and more.
Apache Jii Festival w/Tianna Holder
Stacey and Matt sit down with the wonderful Tianna Holder from the Globe-Miami Chamber of Commerce to discuss tomorrows Apache Jii Festival. Be sure to watch so you get a sneak peek before the festival starts Tomorrow at 9:00am.Globe Miami Chamber Facebook Page Jii Festival Event Page
Oct 16, 2021
21 min
Mayor Mila Besich
Stacey and I sit down with Mayor Mila Besich from our neighboring community Superior, AZ. We discuss the Resolution Copper Project and the current hurdle facing the project, plus she answers our two favorite questions. It's a shorter episode but one of our most important. To learn more about the Resolution Copper Project visit https://www.resolutioncopper.comIf you would like help submitting a letter of support please reach out to Bryan Seppala @ [email protected] Vargas @ [email protected]
Sep 24, 2021
23 min
Lorraine Etchell "The Women Who Robbed the Stagecoach"
Welcome back ! After a bit of a summer break we are back with the amazing Lorraine Etchell to talk about her acting debut in "The Women Who Robbed the Stagecoach". We also talk about what brought Lorraine to our amazing town and the plans she has for her new design studio Spacecraft. Watch the Trailer here! the Movie Here ! -
Sep 9, 2021
40 min
We Talk Aquatic Center
Stacey and I sit down with Evelyn Vargas and Jerry Jennex to discuss the Cobre Valley Regional Aquatic Center Project. They have hit some major milestones and we wanted to make sure everyone is up to date. This was a really great episode and so important for the future of Globe-Miami. Give it a listen to check out their Facebook page to stay up to date on the project.
Jul 7, 2021
44 min
Crossfit Globe Cobre Valley
Stacey and I dive into Crossfit with two great local instructors Greg and Kathy. They give us an overview about their great Crossfit program and how they came to be in Globe. Plus what they hope to see in the future for Globe - Miami. If you are interested in trying Crossfit reach out to Greg and Kathy on their Facebook Page, Website or just stop by the gym.  Facebook : :
Jun 11, 2021
40 min
I Art Globe Program
Stacey and I sit down with Rachel Henson and Thea Wilshire to discuss their new I Art Globe Initiative, this one was really interesting and informative. They are working on a number of projects around Globe and gave us and you a behind the scenes look. 
May 24, 2021
54 min
Tianna Holder Globe Miami Chamber #2
On this episode we talk with Tianna Holder Director of the Globe-Miami Chamber of Commerce. This was a great interview give it a listen and learn more about your Local Chamber!
May 11, 2021
23 min
Cinco De Mayo Episode
We talk Spring Fling 2021, who were interviewing on Monday and our first giveaway !
May 10, 2021
5 min