Global Health: What's Justice got to do with it? - Video Podcast

Global Health: What's Justice got to do with it? - Video

The Spring 2008 UCL Institute for Global Health Symposia series began on 12 February 2008. The first symposium, ‘Global Health: What’s justice got to do with it?’, explored some of the questions of justice and morality underlying the global-health agenda. A brief presentation by Professor Jonathan Wolff (UCL Philosophy) – setting out some key questions, arguments and themes – was followed by a creative and entertaining discussion – moderated by Professor Anthony Costello (UCL Centre for International Health & Development). Panel members were Professor Deenan Pillay (UCL Infection & Immunity), Colm O’Cinneide (UCL Laws) and Craig Patterson, Chief Executive Officer of the UCL Institute for Global Health.
Global Health: What's Justice got to do with it? Part 2
Part 2 of Global Health: What's Justice got to do with it? The second part of the panel discussion chaired by Anthony Costello and with contributions from Deenan Pillay, Colm O’Cinneide, and Craig Patterson
Jun 24, 2009
30 min
Global Health: What's Justice got to do with it? Part 1
Part 1 of Global Health: What's Justice got to do with it? Jonathan Wolff outlines some of the issues plus the first part of the panel discussion chaired by Anthony Costello and with contributions from Deenan Pillay, Colm O’Cinneide, and Craig Patterson
Jun 24, 2009
1 hr 1 min