來自 Glidewell 實驗室的患者教育講解 Podcast

來自 Glidewell 實驗室的患者教育講解

Glidewell Laboratories
Glidewell 實臨室在牙醫生最常推薦的治療手續和產品上,對患者提供免費教育講解,讓患者了解這些治療手續和產品的好處。
(Mandarin) Comfort H/S Bite Splint™  咬合板
If you or someone you know experiences severe tooth, jaw or facial muscle pain, it may be from the effect of grinding or clenching your teeth.
Oct 1, 2010
2 min
(Mandarin) BioTemps® Provisionals 臨時牙
Your dentist may prescribe BioTemps when a beautiful and durable temporary solution is needed.
Oct 1, 2010
6 min
(Mandarin) PlaySafe® Sports Mouthguards 運動口護罩
Find out why PlaySafe is more effective than store-bought mouthguards, and how it gives you the ability to put your attention where it belongs: on the game!
Oct 1, 2010
9 min
(Mandarin) Simply Natural Dentures™ and Simply Natural Partials™ - Simply Natural 全套義齒 和 Simply Natural 局部義齒
Simply Natural Dentures™ and Simply Natural Partials™ are an ideal removable solution when you need to replace a few or several missing teeth.
Oct 1, 2010
8 min
(Mandarin) Silent Nite® Snore Prevention Device 打鼾預防器
Proven to help eliminate snoring in eight out of 10 patients, ask your dentist if Silent Nite is the remedy for you.
Oct 1, 2010
6 min
(Mandarin) Captek™ Crowns & Bridges 牙冠和牙橋
Like your dentist, you will love the lifelike look of Captek, which – according to the Harvard Research Institute – exhibits less bacteria accumulation on its surface than natural teeth!
Oct 1, 2010
1 min
(Mandarin) Vivaneers™ No-Prep Veneers 薄片瓷面牙冠
No-Prep Veneers are the perfect solution to cover stained, discolored or chipped teeth, or as a way to fill in spaces between your teeth.
Oct 1, 2010
2 min
(Mandarin) Prismatik Clinical Zirconia™ Crowns & Bridges  牙冠和牙橋
A vibrant and highly durable choice for crowns and bridges, this esthetic restoration blends beautifully with your natural teeth.
Oct 1, 2010
2 min
(Mandarin) Implant Crowns & Bridges 牙冠牙橋的植牙
When it comes time to replace a missing tooth in your mouth, a dental implant may be the solution you’ve been searching for!
Oct 1, 2010
2 min
(Mandarin) Custom Teeth Whitening Trays 量身訂製漂白牙托
A brighter, whiter smile is now within reach thanks to custom-made whitening trays and gel from your dentist.
Oct 1, 2010
1 min