Give Me My Game podcast! Podcast

Give Me My Game podcast!

A podcast about videogames, the people who buy them, and the people who sell them. We all are or have at one time been a seller of videogames. That makes us experts apparently.
Give Me My Game podcast | Episode - 23.5
Aaron offers another glimpse into Halo: Reach, with no spoilers! He didn't sleep at all last night and it was all so he could tell you what he thinks of Halo: Reach. I hope you're happy with yourself. Here's a choice quote: "No pun intended -- okay maybe just a little." Music by nobody. I'm too tired.
Sep 13, 2010
9 min
Give Me My Game podcast | Episode - 23
We seriously have no idea how Aaron got it a full two days before the official release, and we're not going to ask any questions, but Aaron has Halo: Reach. Join him on his literal first foray into the world of Halo: Reach online multiplayer. Aaron was off learning how to defend our country to play the beta so he seriosuly has no idea what is going on -- but he still wins. Here are some choice quotes: "Loading screen is pretty straight." "I definitely have the gayest looking spartan in here." "Is there no radar in this or something?" "Grenades are definitely right bumper now." "Somebody just tossed a grenade right by my head, did a little whistling sound, I like that sound effect." "I pummeled a frisky hedghehog." Featuring music from the Scott "Pilgrim vs. The World: The Videogame soundtrack".
Sep 13, 2010
13 min
Give Me My Game podcast | Episode - 22
Muramasa was the game I was talking about. The one for the Wii whose name eluded me at the time of recording. Josh is absent on today's cacophony of people yelling about games. Aaron is in studio today as opposed to being on phone. Aaron and I discuss our games of the years, and we talk about how famous my wedding has made me. We play Left 4 Dead 2 while we record which made the very easy process of talking to each other very difficult and needlessly loud. Featuring music from Anamanaguchi
Jan 25, 2010
23 min
Give Me My Game podcast | Episode - 21
It's here. Episode 21. That's like season two in T.V. Language. We talk about Left 4 Dead 2, Assassins Creed 2, Modern Warfare 2, Two the game: 2, Bioshock 2, Sequel the game, and of course pet rats. Listen, enjoy, or don't. There is no obligation. Featuring music from Team Genius
Nov 24, 2009
Give Me My Game podcast | Episode - 20
Episode 20 is here, which is more surprising to us than I think anyone else. It's basically a Modern Warfare 2 Episode. We talk about some other stuff too. How's that for a compelling description. Aaron is only there for the first few seconds, which will please some and make others send e-mails demanding that we continue this trend of limited Aaron. Be sure to stick around until the end for an awesome game related prank phone call. I know it's a lot to ask. Featuring music from Battles
Nov 10, 2009
Give Me My Game podcast | Episode - 19
Guest star Allen Hill -- yes, THE Allen Hill -- stops by to regale us with his heartwarming tales of overcoming discrimination and winning against all odds. And then he talks about how he doesn't particularly care for the company of his new roommate. Featuring music from Reggie Watts.
Nov 2, 2009
Give Me My Game podcast | Episode - 7
Description coming eventually!
Oct 28, 2009
Give Me My Game podcast | Episode - 13
Kyle and Josh are here "in studio" (in quotes because there is no studio), Aaron skypes his way in via webcam and Andrew is a robot. Aaron is bored by our conversation, We talk about Guitar Hero quite a bit, Sam Jackson is back for better or worse and he shares his bitch of the month today this week.
Oct 28, 2009
Give Me My Game podcast | Episode - 2
Description coming eventually!
Oct 28, 2009
Give Me My Game podcast | Episode - 14
It's a short episode today and it's only Kyle and Josh. We talk about Mercenaries 2, Rock Band 2, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and some other games. Kyle likes Braid and Wario Land: Shake it, and he likes them quite a bit. Josh likes Mercenaries 2 quite a bit.
Oct 28, 2009
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