Girlboss Radio Podcast
Girlboss Radio
Girlboss Radio
Girlboss Radio
Girlboss Radio
Girlboss Radio is back with a new host and a renewed mission to help women achieve success on their own terms. Meet our host, Avery Francis! Francis is a veteran HR thought leader who specializes in implementing diversity, equity and inclusion practices in as many workplaces as possible through her consultancy, Bloom. Francis has been featured in Forbes and named a Top 40 Woman in Tech by Betakit. Her ethos? Work should work for all of us. The podcast features weekly chats with inspiring executives, founders and A-listers including filmmaker Domee Shi, mega-influencer Matilda Djerf, Knix founder Joanna Griffiths, and Netflix star Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, among others.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Latest episode
3 months ago
June 18
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