On this episode of GTNC, We will be discussing How a lot of us while dating, we tend to date the persons POTENTIAL or REPRESENTATIVE but not the actual individual. In hopes that we will build them up or bring that REAL person out. Unfortunately most times that doesn't happen all the time. We are not build-a-bear workers or creators. We are woman that want a man to show up complete and whole. Now don't get me wrong, I do know that there are such love stories where couples have grown together and became successful. I do also know that there are more people out there that are still dating the persons potential hoping that they will completely show up and be the best mate you ever had; but It doesn't happen because most of you watch from the side line at the man or woman you helped build up being the best version of themselves with another person. This is a short yet powerful podcast. I pray that it touches someone. Enjoy and God Bless.Support the show
Aug 1, 2022
19 min

I was watching this tik-tok where this young mother was telling a story about how she was dating this guy that went to prison 2 months into their relationship. She decided to stick by his side only knowing hime for 2 months. Then without fail, she got pregnant, he mistreated her and abused after he got released. It's so much more to the story, but it was those things that stuck out to me. All I saw was the lack of self love in this young woman, My heart hurts or her.Self love is very important when it comes to the healing process.I'm going to give you 9 signs you might have wounded inner chick. Then we are going to talk about 11 signs that you're walking in your healing. I pray that Something I said will help you to heal with your issues. God Bless!Support the show
Jul 26, 2022
47 min

We're Back!!! Hello to all of my dope and faithful followers and downloaders.Tonight's Episode , We will be discussing a clip that I found on instagram. A man asked a very straight forward blunt question. What does a woman bring to a mans life besides Sexual intimacy? And All the women went off!! Saying that he is a womanizer, He doesn't value a woman's worth etc. etc. What?? How did you get all of that from a question? Was it his tone? Did you Assume that he was talking about himself? The fact of the matter is that MOST women make something out of nothing, We read all through the book but the book only has 1 PAGE. Yet, we have created 100 other pages that don't even exist; creating our own narrative to a story that we didn't even write. We have to first stop deflecting and stick to the question at had, take accountability for our own actions and blow up. All men are not the same just like all women are not the same. We have to find out what is the real problem for us as community of men andwomen who cant seem to get along. Tune in and Enjoy. I hope you can take something positive from it.Support the show
Jul 20, 2022
23 min

The Male And Female Perspective is Back and L Boogie has something to say. He's not happy Y'all. We have all seen the unfortunate, embarrassing slap that Actor and comedian Chris Rock received from Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air star Will Smith on national t.v. This was totally out of line for Smith and as always Jada is the reason for another embarrassing moment. The men all across social media have been saying Will Smith is a Simp! For me as a woman, I don't really like that word but I understand it to a certain point. Well let's talk about!Support the show
Mar 31, 2022
41 min

We all have witnessed the most historical and most embarrassing slap in the Oscar History, The Will Smith and Chris Rock Slap. I am still in awe of what I witness and my heart hurts for Chris Rock, Yet I applaud him for his Black Excellence, Professionalism and restraint. He understood the ASSIGNMENT and still stayed in character. He didn't allow the Devil to Slap him out of his promise and character. Let me make a correction, I said that Chris was absolutely wrong, I meant to say that Will Smith was wrong and I stand on that. But this whole podcast is to shine light on the revelation that God gave me. He told me that in the next season in my life to be Chris Rock. Tune in and Hear what Clarity God has given me for you.Side Note: please forgive my many errors This revelation had me excited. Chris will be performing at Borgata in Atlantic City this weekend 3/02/22.Support the show
Mar 30, 2022
24 min

On This Episode we will be discussing Just Being you are in a separate household than your ex, it doesn't make you a Single Parent. If your Ex is providing for your child, still spending time weekends, summers, going to graduations and recitals, You are not a single parent! You're just single Sis! You cant say we are Co-parenting then in the same breathe say that you are a single parent. We have to build a strong cohesive foundation with each other as parents so that we can raise up strong kings and queens. Our Children must know that even thought mommy and daddy aren't together anymore, the same rules and parenting is still the same on both ends. Children are the best little manipulators alive. They know exacting how to put parents against each other. Remember when it comes to Co-parenting 1+1= 1 whole child!!Support the show
Mar 3, 2022
56 min

Former 2019 Miss USA Cheslie Kryst committed suicide early Sunday Morning by jumping to her death from her 29th floor high rise building. She was only 30 yrs old. The sad part about this whole thing is she actually had a fear of turning 30 and getting older, Trolls on the internet would bully her about her Miss USA title, her body and age since she was the oldest Miss USA contestant to Win at 28 years old. Since Covid Most of us have suffered through some type of mental health issue, whether it be depression, anxiety, withdrawal from daily activities and isolation. We have experienced it. Unfortunately some worse than others. We have to make a conscious effort to check on our loves ones, reach out when we need a shoulder or ear and most of you have to be honest with yourself when you know you're not good!I decided to pull my Facebook live Mental Health Podcast because someone needs to hear it.If by chance you need help and have had suicidal thoughts please call the Hotline 800-273-8255.Support the show
Feb 1, 2022
33 min

Tonights Male And Female Perspective, We will be talking about Does Your Body Count? What is your Body Count? Why are a lot of women not talking care of their bodies? When did your body become ransom? How can you put a price on something so precious and yet PRICELESS? Do you not nknow you are the child of the Most High? Ladies we can't do what men do and still be considered a lady. You have to know its more to you than just sex, You're beautiful but your treat yourself so ugly. That BBL wont last forever and gravity is real. AIDS is real transmitted diseases are still real. Love yourself just a little much more and re evaluate yourself and your current situation. Support the show
Jan 24, 2022
52 min

Tonight's episode is its not a trending topic or viral video. We are doing something a little different tonight. I had to Obey what God told me to do and that was to speak and let you know that its ok to change and lose your (old) self. You have to pull the layers back and change YOU!! There are so many things that you know you have to stop doing, stop thinking and stop reacting too. We are too grown to still be stagnant and stuck in the past. You are in labor and its time to give birth to your PURPOSE. BABY MAMA AND BABY DADDY you have been pregnant for way too long, The Time is now!! Tune and subscribe and download. Please also support this Show by clicking below. Thanks in advance.Support the show
Jan 15, 2022
31 min

We are Back and we decided to start the year off Fresh and New! Segment 1 of the Male Female Perspective. Tonight we are talking about, Ladies will You date a broke dude? I also posed this same question to the fellas. While we know money isn't everything and it cant make you happy, Im a strong believer that as a successful individual, We shouldn't date down. Also, as women it's not our responsibility to carry a man that isn't our husband but tune in and let's see what my Guest Co- Host L Boogie has to say.Its going to be good!! LEGGO!!Support the show
Jan 8, 2022
52 min
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