Girl Camper
Girl Camper
Janine Pettit
Solo Woman Traveler Karen Peterson Part Two
1 hour 1 minutes Posted Jul 2, 2018 at 6:52 pm.
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On Part Two of my interview with Karen Peterson, solo woman traveler, I ask Karen the questions that wannabe solo travelers submitted on line. Many people are drawn to the open road and adventure. They seek the opportunity to spend significant amounts of time in places they’ve only seen in photos or stayed in for a week or two vowing to return to when time and budget allowed. Those dreams can sustain you when you are counting down the days until retirement but there are practical concerns that need to be addressed when taking months long road trips or endeavoring to become a full timer in an RV. I asked the Girl Campers what they wanted to know about the practical side of Karen’s life on the road. Here are a few of the questions.

* How do you get mail?
* How do you address health issues far from home?
* How often do you connect with family?
* Does someone know where you are at all times?
* Have you been ripped off for motor home repairs because you are a woman?
* What do you do in really bad weather?
* What about safety? Do you carry a gun?
* How do you fend off loneliness?
* Do you have any hobbies on the road?
* Do you travel with pets?
* Do you create a routine for yourself?
* Are you on a budget and have you had to increase it?
* Does your RV depreciating concern you?
* What are your favorite travel APPs?
* What would you live in and where would your pets go if your motor home needs a repair?

Each person considering such a big life change has a different set of concerns. I appreciated that Karen was willing to be so honest in sharing what her own reasons for pursuing the nomadic life were. It is hard not to be inspired by this woman who is forging a life without regrets. Leave a comment or question for Karen and be sure to share this podcast episode with a would be traveler.