Heyy! Information overload is a very real phenomenon and so is my struggle! This episode I talk about it and the ways I’m dealing with it. I’d love to hear about your experience/struggles/victories around it as well!
Hope you enjoy your listen(s) and wishing you a wonderful week as well! J
As always… Let's connect on Instagram
Sep 6, 2020
11 min

This week's episode is all about how I've done my best to navigate one of the hardest weeks I've had in a LONG time.
Hope it serves you!
Aug 23, 2020
7 min

Heyy! It feels good to be back after that (much-needed) 1 week hiatus! I must add that I’m so proud of myself for not copping out and taking another week off because the return would’ve been a STRUGGLE!
P.S.: There's a part where I talk about intermittent fasting and say I fast for 8 hours, but I actually EAT within that 8 hour window!
As always… Let's connect on Instagram
Aug 16, 2020
10 min

Hey! This week I share all about a new journey I’m embarking on! Check out the links here!
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Let's connect on Instagram
Aug 2, 2020
9 min

Hey! Another week, another reflection. Disconnection sucks, and navigating it sucks even more! But the work of healing, mess and all, needs to continue. Here we go ♥
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Let's connect on Instagram
Jul 26, 2020
11 min

New week with a new reflection that's all about connecting with my inner self. I hope it serves you as well! ♥
Check out The Nap Ministry on Instagram- https://instagram.com/thenapministry?igshid=3hnxw7iddcbd
Check out The Holistic Psychologist on Instagram- https://instagram.com/the.holistic.psychologist?igshid=4xzffvf50h8o
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Let's connect on…..
The Blog- https://gettinglostlearningtheway.wordpress.com/2020/05/17/covid-19-the-power-of-education-awareness/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/gettinglostlearningthewaypod/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Getting-Lost-Learning-The-Way-107290334314539
Jul 19, 2020
13 min

This week, Getting Lost Leaning The Way entered the double-digit phase with Episode 10! I’m excited and grateful to celebrate this small but significant win!
This week, I just did a short reflection piece on what goals mean to me and the importance of connecting our individual healing to our collective healing.
Following the #SabaSabaMarchForOurLives that happened this week, PLEASE check out the following resources for further reading on Saba Saba and generally expanding your horizons and imagination:
Saba Saba and the Evolution of Citizen Power- https://www.theelephant.info/features/2020/07/07/saba-saba-and-the-evolution-of-citizen-power/
When We Lose Our Fear: A Saba Saba Day Reflection- https://www.theelephant.info/reflections/2020/07/09/when-we-lose-our-fear-a-saba-saba-day-reflection/
For Harriet on You Tube- https://www.youtube.com/user/ForHarrietdotcom (An INCREDIBLE platform you can also support via Patreon
As always, I hope you enjoy it!! Sending love your way!
Let's connect on....
The Blog- https://gettinglostlearningtheway.wordpress.com/2020/05/17/covid-19-the-power-of-education-awareness/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/gettinglostlearningthewaypod/
Jul 12, 2020
16 min

Hey! Hey! Hey!
This week, my amazing brother Joshua joined me, and we did a simple, chilled sibling tag and get to know each other type of thing!
I also shared some of my July goal prospects and the value I find in creating mini goals for each new month.
I got a little vulnerable and touched on finding my voice and connecting dots between episodes as far as the grander concept of this podcast goes.
As always, I hope you enjoy it!! Sending love your way!
Let's connect on....
The Blog- https://gettinglostlearningtheway.wordpress.com/2020/05/17/covid-19-the-power-of-education-awareness/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/gettinglostlearningthewaypod/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Getting-Lost-Learning-The-Way-107290334314539
Jul 5, 2020
22 min

Saturday Salutations!
Life’s been hectic this week, and to be quite honest with the workload and heaviness of everything this week, at one point I wasn't sure if any episode would come your way this week, but alas! It is here!!!
I'm really grateful for the gift that is the time I had to be able to record and create this week. It was all done in one take! What!? I'm feeling extra proud of myself for this one!
As always, I hope you enjoy it!! Sending love your way!
Let's connect on....
The Blog- https://gettinglostlearningtheway.wordpress.com/2020/05/17/covid-19-the-power-of-education-awareness/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/gettinglostlearningthewaypod/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Getting-Lost-Learning-The-Way-107290334314539
Jun 27, 2020
10 min

Hey! Hey! Hey!
Life’s been hectic this week, but here we are being consistent and showing up! *pats myself on the back* On this episode, I had the lovely Keren Mairu (IG: @keren_munene) on to share all things content creations; genesis, experiences and the lessons she’s learnt along the way. I also shared a couple of tips on how I’ve been coping with the annoying anxieties of life, and hope they serve you as much as they are serving me!
Keren’s YouTube Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ0CzlDeP8oNKi4U_nYRtig
Keren’s Instagram Page- https://www.instagram.com/keren_munene/
10 Ways to Cope with Stress & Overwhelm- https://www.huffpost.com/entry/10-ways-to-cope-with-stress-and-overwhelm_b_6033802?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmRlLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABZ16DzjH-EWI0iaaV4zKr5Pyhy0KFf4rE1uk99Nia2hwHdNnHJtY4yb8QCai5Cnp74hODUfXFKQVVExJl601VJxZkzPM3-W_3Zz1ce4kYsB8HJc4vuL_EfLoOVpKB1RENVpPHOQysotLjgBY_IT03uzto-ms01oYzODG6ZZkEgh
Let's connect on....
The Blog- https://gettinglostlearningtheway.wordpress.com/2020/05/17/covid-19-the-power-of-education-awareness/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/gettinglostlearningthewaypod/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Getting-Lost-Learning-The-Way-107290334314539
Jun 21, 2020
12 min
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