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Kinsey Machos at 22 had a job, a baby, and a husband (all in that order). One day while she was waiting tables she realized something. She realized she didn't want the life she saw herself starting to head down that direction. It was a long journey from there to where she is now but everyday she has to make the decision of finding things that will push her or pull her to success. She has helped untold amounts of women not only find direction in their lives but also other entrepreneurs like her do the same. Life is all about finding those who will help you come closer to changing lives, who will help you break free from your internal anxieties to do the same??Make sure to join Ayelet and Kinsey for a FREE masterclass to help you STOP relying on the things that society says will make you happy but leave you unfulfilled. If you're ready to stop leaving yourself restless and drained at the end of the day come join them at: