Get Out of Bed, Out of Your Head Podcast
Get Out of Bed, Out of Your Head
Ayelet Shipley
Why "Armoring Up" Hurts and Saves You and Me - episode of Get Out of Bed, Out of Your Head podcast

Why "Armoring Up" Hurts and Saves You and Me

13 minutes Posted Jun 16, 2020 at 6:43 am.
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There's a LOT that comes from moving around a lot growing up, for some people it's a lot of anxiety. Now I of course did feel immensely anxious throughout the entire process but I definitely adapted more than suffered through it all regardless of how it affected me in college. I learned how to have thick skin and also how to blend in throughout a lot of different social interactions. While on a road trip though, Brene Brown helped me learn the importance of letting that armor off in a lot of different situations to allow yourself to unwind and rest. If you don't know how to let your guard down and show up authentically then you will not allow others to do the same. Brene really helped me learn this crucial lesson in giving yourself the permission to be authentic so our stress and anxiety can finally go away.