Kinsey Machos at 22 had a job, a baby, and a husband (all in that order). One day while she was waiting tables she realized something. She realized she didn't want the life she saw herself starting to head down that direction. It was a long journey from there to where she is now but everyday she has to make the decision of finding things that will push her or pull her to success. She has helped untold amounts of women not only find direction in their lives but also other entrepreneurs like her do the same. Life is all about finding those who will help you come closer to changing lives, who will help you break free from your internal anxieties to do the same??
Make sure to join Ayelet and Kinsey for a FREE masterclass to help you STOP relying on the things that society says will make you happy but leave you unfulfilled. If you're ready to stop leaving yourself restless and drained at the end of the day come join them at:
Aug 27, 2020
29 min
My desire to share with others my own struggles with anxiety and depression all came from one conversation I had with a 12 year old girl. This podcast which has helped thousands of people find joy in being honest with themselves and those around them if Parker Woodward hadn't shared with me his experiences with anxiety and depression. Look, you've been put through hell because of your mental illness. Isn't it time you helped other people make sure they didn't have to go through the same pains alone? It is crucial for you and me to dare to share our stories and daily battles so one day others won't be able to feel so alone like you and I have.
Aug 25, 2020
7 min
We all tell ourselves we aren't "worthy" of living a certain life. It's immensely difficult to improve ourselves though when WE are the ones who are holding ourselves back. This is one of THE most important lessons in taking your life back from the anxiety and depression that we feel keeps us in such pain. We need to improve the relationship and understanding we have between the guilt and the shame we experience in our lives.
Jul 28, 2020
10 min
We all have rituals and habits that help us stay above water for our depression and anxiety. They're all useless though. That is, unless we actually do the things that get us out of our anxiety and depression. The key to doing all of this is trust in not only that they'll get you out of your depression and anxiety but also that it's worth it to get out of your own depression and anxiety. What's waiting for you on the other side of getting out of your head?
Jul 21, 2020
7 min
I can tell you that one of the biggest struggles I've had with my anxiety and depression is that once I get over them and I have a great scares me. Questions like "What if I feel depressed and anxious again?" and "How do I make sure I don't fall back into being riddled with anxiety?" often fill my heart as well as other people like you and me. There's a lot that each and every one of us struggle with depression and anxiety. The hardest part though is NOT falling back into those old habits by having something AHEAD of you that excites you. You've struggled to get out of your anxiety so you're no longer in it's time to find what brings you joy.
Jun 30, 2020
8 min
How often have you felt stuck in life? I know for me anxiety and depression have crippled me and kept me from getting to the amazing point I am capable of getting. How do you make sure that, though we all get stuck, you don't get stuck in a rut for too long? Focus on WHERE you're going and HOW you'll get there then when that doesn't work you can rely on WHY it's important
Jun 23, 2020
8 min
There's a LOT that comes from moving around a lot growing up, for some people it's a lot of anxiety. Now I of course did feel immensely anxious throughout the entire process but I definitely adapted more than suffered through it all regardless of how it affected me in college. I learned how to have thick skin and also how to blend in throughout a lot of different social interactions. While on a road trip though, Brene Brown helped me learn the importance of letting that armor off in a lot of different situations to allow yourself to unwind and rest. If you don't know how to let your guard down and show up authentically then you will not allow others to do the same. Brene really helped me learn this crucial lesson in giving yourself the permission to be authentic so our stress and anxiety can finally go away.
Jun 16, 2020
13 min
It's not about the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the dog in the fight...a pretty cliche, motivational quote in the world of football. What it means is that we don't need to be afraid of the appearance of something or someone when we have that stronger desire and fuel on the inside of each of us. The problem is though when that "fire" on the inside gets snuffed out by the overwhelming anxiety that comes from on and off where we fulfill our calling. As a professional football coach and former college football player, Sam knows all about it. It's impossibly difficult to fight what you can't see and from middle school to even as he grew up, that is until you know where to fight it...
Jun 11, 2020
41 min
I don't do well with change. Change creates a lot of anxiety for me and a lot of other people as well. The hardest part about these periods of changes in all of our lives is that the amount of overwhelm they induce can feel debilitating. How you and I make sure we are constantly there, in our roles to help others is that we take care of ourselves first. What is it you can do today to take care of yourself so you can help others??
Jun 2, 2020
9 min
Do you know the worst part about loving someone? Not getting them to love you back, this comes especially when you "love yourself" but don't ACTUALLY get anything back from it. The symptoms are all really the same, lots of energy put in but nothing reciprocated on the back end. To make sure that you get that love then it is going to be crucial to helping yourself to understand the true accomplishments that LOVE can help you to obtain.
May 7, 2020
9 min
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