GEMA TALKS with Rich Battista Podcast
GEMA TALKS with Rich Battista
Rich Battista
GEMA Alumni Career Panel, 2021 - episode of GEMA TALKS with Rich Battista podcast

GEMA Alumni Career Panel, 2021

54 minutes Posted Jun 10, 2022 at 6:00 pm.
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Four distinguished alumni representing a cross section of entertainment and media fields and roles assembled for our 20th annual alumni career panel for Georgetown students  - this event usually takes place on the Georgetown campus, but was held virtually this year again due to the pandemic. The panelists discuss each of their specific positions and what their roles entail, discuss how they broke into and advanced in the industry and offer valuable advice to those interested in doing the same. Our panelists:

Erick Flores (L ’09), Vice President, Partnerships & Business Development, NBCUniversal Advertising Sales

Eliza Wheeler (C ’18), TV Literary Agent, The Gersh Agency

Lauren Williams (C ’08), Senior Editor, The Atlantic

Claudine Wilson (L ’08), Vice President and Senior Counsel, HBO Max Original Program Marketing

Moderated by Mitch Peyser (MBA ’93), Vice President and Executive Producer, Time Life.

Produced in conjunction with the GU Cawley Career Center and GU Alumni Career Services.