via Podcasts Interviews Podcast offers exclusive interviews with the creators and stars of one of the best science fiction franchises on television. Fans of Stargate will find this podcast both informative and entertaining. And those of you out there who have no idea what Stargate is can get the chance to step through the gate and see what goes on behind the scenes of this adventure driven television series.
I Love Stargate and Gate World
I always check for new articles and interviews especially the ones with the cast members, the producers, and the writers. So visit Your Complete Guide To Stargate!
interviews from like everyone of the cast and crew
This feed on itunes is very comfortable, cause it downloads all the latest interviews that the gateworld members conduct. So if you don't wanna go to the site and download every interview manually, you should subscribe to this feed!!
Ice Man
Wow! I always wondered how the SG-1 crew were able to travel to the Arctic. That really was something I did not expect from this show. The movie was AWESOME!! Wish Beau Bridges had a larger part in it though. Ben and RDA were awesome! The scenes seemed unreal. Such a beautiful land. Thank you to the U.S. Navy for allowing Continuum to be filmed. Thank YOU to, "Ice Man", Barry Campbell. You had a great idea!
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Mija and Mimi
The audio is severely messed up...
I think it's great that GateWorld is brought their Stargate interviews to podcast form, but they need to learn a little about recording audio. The volume of the sound continuously moves in and out as if someone is lowering the volume on the mic and then brining it back to normal levels. It's very annoying and makes it almost impossible to listen to an interview while the actor's voice quickly fades in and out.
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i love gate world
i always check gateworld 3 or more times a day for interviews and every thing! (i even sneak on at school) now they have they weekly talks too! good job gate world SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trip V
This is the best!
I love Gateworld. I check it everyday for new interviews. To have it on Itunes is incredible. Now I can listen as well.