This week we touch on Destiny, Guacamelee, Shovel Knight, Rogue Legacy, Target, Rock Band 3, Memory Card Woes, Trials Fusion and much more… Also, this is the first show I’ve ever edited in Audacity, and I have no idea what I’m doing. Sorry guys… AND Skype was lazy as hell, so Juan and Don talk over […]
Aug 2, 2014
This week we touch on Smash It, Clash of Clans, Trials Fusion, Trials Frontiers, Zen Pinball, Star Wars, Disco Zoo, Hearthstone, Assassin’s Creed IV and more… XBox Live deals on CAG PSN deals on CAG GameFly Deals Nintendo eShop Update @gotbaw on Twitter Gaming On Ten Bucks A Week Facebook Page gotbaw [at]
May 4, 2014
This week we touch on Titanfall, Max Axe updates, SMT, Earth Defense Force 2025, Call of Duty Ghosts, Clash of Clans, Project Spark, Disco Zoo, Smash Hit, Banking at Gamestop, San Juan, Puerto Rico HD and much more… XBox Live deals on CAG PSN deals on CAG GameFly Deals Nintendo eShop Update @gotbaw on Twitter […]
Mar 24, 2014
This week Juan, Don and Ted talk gaming deals from coast to coast. Games mentioned include: Aliens: Colonial Marines, Titanfall, Max Axe, The Warriors, Driver San Francisco, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, Clash of Clans, DiRT3, Strider, Weapon Shop de Omasse, The Last of Us: Left Behind, Rock Band Blitz, Blades of Steel and more… XBox […]
Feb 21, 2014
This week an under-the-weather Ted and boring-as-always Don talk about the following games: Silent Age, Ratchet & Clank: ACIT, Slayin’, Phantom Breaker Battleground, Threes, Smart As…, Need for Speed Rivals, Unepic, World of Tanks, Retro City Rampage, Toca Car and more… Conan O’Brien playing Outlast – starts around 5:00 Year of Netflix on GameDealDaily Warface Beta […]
Feb 8, 2014
Still have our training wheels on, but enjoy a quick rundown of some upcoming and current deals, new downloadable releases and an impromptu retrospective on ’90s fighting games that don’t really stand the test of time. Witcher 2 Teaser Trailer XBox Live deals on CAG PSN deals on CAG GameFly Deals PSN Additions for […]
Jan 27, 2014
Good thing we’re doing these tests! We had a recording issue, so Don’s vocals are duplicated. It’s not so bad at first, but then it gets kinda echo-ey. XBox Live deals on CAG PSN deals on CAG GameFly Deals
Jan 13, 2014
Don and Jon talking about last week’s news. Test episode. Trying to nail down content and flow. More on the way. Also, Halo was an Xbox launch title, and most podcasts suck at first, so we’re trying to record a bunch of stuff no one will hear so it’ll start out good in the public […]
Jan 11, 2014