As we gradually transition from a third-density reality into a more expanded, higher vibrational reality that has such qualities as transparency, connectivity, and lightness, we experience an energy review. It's similar to a life review at the end of one's physical life, but since we are not leaving our bodies behind in this transition, we have an energetic review of all conscious and unconscious believes and patterns that cannot serve us in the new reality. They are being exposed in the light of our rising new consciousness to be acknowledged and released before we can move forward in the light.
Read transcript (here).
Music by
Nov 25, 2020
6 min
Our future is now. Do we succumb to lower frequencies of separation and fear, or do we rise above it all and imagine a new future? Everything is truly in our hearts and minds. If we claim our creative power and see beyond the fear, the potential of this moment in time will become our new reality based on principles of oneness and universal love. Will you be the alchemist and magician you were born to be?
Read transcript (here).
Music by
Nov 24, 2020
6 min
My take on the global pandemic and an opportunity it provides. I see it partly as an outward expression of the collective dysfunction, which if utilized intelligently can serve as a catalyst for our global awakening.
Read transcript (here).
Music by
Nov 22, 2020
7 min