Join our heroes as they discuss their recent Christmas gatherings, give up on politics, discuss how to get rid of the Kardashians, read very specific top ten news story lists, look ahead to the films of 2012 and make some bold predictions for the coming year (sorry Prince).
Dec 29, 2011
1 hr 5 min

Join our heroes as they discuss the worst place to park a UFO, Mike's first g-g-g-g-ghost hunting trip, being fed up with remakes and reboots, celebrate a recent movie success and jibber jabber about Star Trek 2 with or without Khan.
Dec 9, 2011
1 hr 8 min

Join our heroes as they play a dame and disfigured round of Marry, Bang, Kill, discuss when ideas of arson make the leap to reality, chat about their latest film project, and continue on the seemingly interminable journey down memory lane courtesy of James the psycho fan.
Nov 2, 2011
1 hr 2 min

Join our heroes as they talk about which historical figures they'd get busy with, find out how far is too far as a TSA agent, argue creepy vs. Romantic and settle in for some feedback from two superfans.
Oct 21, 2011
1 hr 42 min

Join our heroes as they wax matrimonial, discuss working nights, muse on the flaws of pre-80's horror films, delightfully recount shooting guns with other men and introduce the world to Sweet James, the show's newest nutcase follower.
Oct 13, 2011
1 hr 14 min

Join our heroes (with substitute hero Dennis filling in for Mike) as they discuss Anime, the most boring and pretentious of radio stations, Kyle's upcoming nuptials, being too poor to take toll roads and children (in a family-friendly way you perverts!). Yosh!
Aug 26, 2011
1 hr 2 min

Kyle forgot to do the only other thing he has to do for the show besides showing up to record, writing and sending Mike a title and description for each show even after Mike reminded him twice making the show late. To teach him a lesson all of you should send him some feedback stating what a jerk he is for not writing a title and description for you! [email protected]
Aug 12, 2011
45 min

Join our heroes as they chat about Cap, learn a new Scandinavian wood throwing game, get pissed about wedding issues, and start their misty eyed retrospective of 7 years of the 48 Hour Film Project. Come see the newest SouthSiderStudios 48 Hour Film Project film on August 3rd at the Fleur Cinema and Cafe on the south side. Showtimes are 7 and 9. Hope to see you there!
Jul 28, 2011
1 hr 6 min

Join our heroes in the 2nd installment of their interview and chat with Matt Johnson. Would you belive comics come up again? The guys also chat about movie theatres, make a bunch of top 5 lists, talk art and storytelling and even get into some 'rasslin.
Jun 30, 2011
1 hr 45 min

Join our heroes as they're joined by another hero who like superheroes. Matt Johnson from Cup O' Kryptonite is in the house to wax intellectual about college, business, film, comics and hockey.
Jun 30, 2011
1 hr 10 min
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