Full Of Sith: Star Wars News, Discussions and Interviews
Full Of Sith: Star Wars News, Discussions and Interviews
Tha Mike Pilot, Bryan Young and Holly Frey
Rumor Control 03
30 minutes Posted Feb 23, 2015 at 5:14 pm.
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This is an episode about things you thought you knew about The Force Awakens, but you didn't really know until now, when you'll DEFINITELY know them, although that could change between now and December. Sounds confusing! It isn't though. Well, until it is. This episode locks down the beginning of the movie, the VEEEEERY end of the movie, (Yes, really) and how those events affect our Original Trilogy heroes in The Force Awakens -  one of whom is going to have a REALLY rough time in this movie. There's big, BIG stuff in here, so remember: This is a spoiler show. You don't want the spoils? Do not click play on this thing. Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to Bobby@FullofSith.com. DO NOT POST THEM to the Facebook. You've got spoilers all over your fingers, don't go smearing them all over Bryan, Mike and Amy's Facebook's pages or twitters or instagrams or whatevers. You wanna talk to me about any of this stuff? Email me at Bobby@FullofSith.com.

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