This week Todd, Chris, Brian, and Addison finally get a chance to talk some real Monarch action! We've been playing lots of Blitz at the shop getting ready for in-person Skirmish events in June so the guys get a chance to talk about their first impressions of the set as well as review some online and NZ tournament action. The crew talks Blitz meta, CC meta, Monarch cards that are making an impression, what they expect from upcoming Skirmish events, the newly released official play pathways, and finally some market updates! Lots going on in this episode so please hang out with us and enjoy this week's From The Arsenal podcast!
May 26, 2021
1 hr

This week we have Chris, Todd, Mike, Brian, and Menion on to talk Monarch release! We had two pre-release events and a sealed event in Central VA over the last couple of weeks so we dig into how each of us performed at the events we attended, observations we've made on what seems to be doing well in those events, cards that have made a big impact and more! We also talk a bit about the distribution of cards in Monarch first edition boxes and some market updates for all you investors out there. We're so excited to be playing some new cards! Hope you guys are too, and please enjoy this weeks podcast!
May 12, 2021
1 hr 4 min

Four episodes in two weeks, how do they have the stamina?! This week we're back on our regular schedule now that we've gotten all the Monarch spoilers we can handle and we wrap things up by bringing together a big cast of Chris, Todd, Mike, Menion, and Addison to talk our final revealed class for Monarch, Prism! Chris tries to keep things organized and leads a discussion on Prism, her new mechanics, cards, and impressions from the crew on her whole package and where she may feel best in the game. We also talk about the three Mentor cards that had been spoiled up to Sunday's recording including Minerva, Barthamont, and Sutcliffe. We've had a great time talking spoilers for the last couple weeks but now it's time to bring on the Monarch!
Apr 28, 2021
1 hr 11 min

Another extra special spoiler review episode! This time Chris, Todd, Menion and Brian are on to talk about Chane and Bolton now that both characters have been fully spoiled. Menion and Brian are Runeblade and Warrior mains respectively and have some good information on both new characters drawing from their experience playing Viserai and Dorinthea. We also revisit our predictions on Ursur and Blasmophet, and talk a little about Monarch generics. Hope you enjoy this extra spoiler-y episode!
Apr 24, 2021
59 min

We were able to sneak in another episode this week just talking spoilers as of Wednesday, April 14th which pretty much included everything we know about Levia, the Shadow Brute. This episode features just Todd, Chris, and a special appearance from Menion! Todd and Chris were able to slap together a proxy deck featuring a good number of released cards and give Levia a try so they can give their impressions and talk about the spoilers with an understanding of Levia's playstyle.
Hopefully, we can get on a bunch to chat about these spoilers as they release since it's such a good time to be talking Flesh and Blood right now. Please enjoy this special spoiler episode!
Apr 16, 2021
1 hr 7 min

This week we have Brian, Todd, Mike, and Chris on deck to talk about the live skirmish at Total Access Games that everyone participated in on Sunday the 11th. Brian and Mike both cracked the top-4 and we talk about their path to the top as we celebrate the end of Blitz (for now).
We also finally got some Monarch spoilers! We break down the three cards that were released at the time of recording on Sunday (Eclipse, Eclipse Existence, Doomsday), and what we think of some new mechanics making an appearance before we found out more info on Monday.
Apr 14, 2021
58 min

While we wait in a holding pattern like our Monarch cards in the Suez we get Chris, Todd, Mike, Brian, and Addison together to talk some Flesh and Blood. We talk prep for our upcoming in-person Skirmish event, the impact of the Drone ban, print run numbers, and whether the guys would be comfortable buying Monarch 1st Edition directly from Somali pirates! We had fun with this one while we wait patiently for Monarch. Hope you all enjoy this one and if you can, come play at our in-person skirmish event at Total Access Games on April 11th!
Mar 31, 2021
55 min

This week Todd, Mike, Addison, and Menion get deep into results and impressions of the recent sealed box tournament we had last weekend at Total Access Games. We also talk about the FAB Discord Gauntlet blitz tournament that Todd and Addison are participating in as well as general feelings on Blitz as a format right now and how each player is preparing.
Mar 17, 2021
1 hr 4 min

Hey folks! This week Chris, Todd, Addison, and Laine all come on to talk about their impressions and results of the recent Red Riot Games classic constructed tournament! We have placements, round-by-round reports, as well as our take on how the event went and what we'd like to see going forward for online tournies on TTS. This episode is a little longer since we had a lot of info to unpack!
Mar 4, 2021
1 hr 16 min

Chris, Todd, Addison, and Mike talk preparations for the Red Riot Games classic constructed tournament on Feb 27th/28th. The guys go over their expectations for class split and meta, how to get ready for the tournament, and what they plan to bring!
Feb 17, 2021
1 hr
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