![#28: Being Santa (ft. Santa/Chad Canfield) [Season 1 Finale]](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2FydHdvcmsuY2FwdGl2YXRlLmZtLzRmZjQ1NDdlLTQ5NTktNDljMy05ZDZiLWU5M2ZkZjVhNTExNi81Y2ZlYzAxYjQ0ZjNlMjlmYWUxZmI4OGFkZTkzZmM0YWVjZDA1YjE5MmZiZmJjMmMyZjFkYWE0MTJiN2MxOTIxLmpwZyIsImZhbGxiYWNrIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9pczItc3NsLm16c3RhdGljLmNvbS9pbWFnZS90aHVtYi9Qb2RjYXN0czEyNS92NC8yNC82ZS8zMC8yNDZlMzBiMC1iYzEyLTE0MGYtODY2Ni1iZGVhYzM2MGFjNWEvbXphXzQzMDM2MjczNDA4MTM0MzcwNDAuanBnLzYwMHg2MDBiYi5qcGcifQ.GROhieDop98_yvFR5dcWekz6Wgx7MSXXHrvIboZnOv4.jpg?width=200&height=200)
On Today's Episode: In the spectacular season one finale, Tim and Logan are joined by Santa to discuss his work in...upper management. Santa can only stay on the show for a moment, but thankfully his official helper, Chad Canfield, comes onto the show to discuss his professional work, his holidays growing up, and what it means to be Santa to so many area children. From One Dad to Another is the weekly show where Tim Arnold and Logan Adam Schultz share some stories and share some laughs, chat with area guests, and challenge themselves and others to grow as modern parents.Have an idea for a guest or topic we should discuss? Reach out to us via email ([email protected]), Facebook, Instagram, or LASPodcastNetwork.com!New episodes every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you find your podcasts.From One Dad to Another is produced and distributed by the L.A.S. Podcast Network in Cedar Rapids, IA. For more, visit LASPodcastNetwork.com.Subscribe to L.A.S.+ for just $10/month and get bonus episodes of this show, ad-free versions of every L.A.S. Podcast, pre-sale access to live events, early access to special podcasts and projects, and more benefits, all while support local Iowa creators and businesses. For more information and to get started, head to LASPodcastNetwork.com/plus.
Dec 15, 2021
1 hr 5 min

On Today's Episode: In the penultimate episode of season one, Logan and Tim reflect on a few of their favorite moments from the past 6 months of the show, talk about Tim being naked out in the woods (or not), and discuss both their childhood hobbies and how to approach their children's hobbies now.From One Dad to Another is the weekly show where Tim Arnold and Logan Adam Schultz share some stories and share some laughs, chat with area guests, and challenge themselves and others to grow as modern parents.Have an idea for a guest or topic we should discuss? Reach out to us via email ([email protected]), Facebook, Instagram, or LASPodcastNetwork.com!New episodes every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you find your podcasts.From One Dad to Another is produced and distributed by the L.A.S. Podcast Network in Cedar Rapids, IA. For more, visit LASPodcastNetwork.com.Subscribe to L.A.S.+ for just $10/month and get bonus episodes of this show, ad-free versions of every L.A.S. Podcast, pre-sale access to live events, early access to special podcasts and projects, and more benefits, all while support local Iowa creators and businesses. For more information and to get started, head to LASPodcastNetwork.com/plus.
Dec 8, 2021
56 min

On Today's Episode: Logan and Tim catch up, celebrate Producer Jackson's recent engagement, review their past few episodes, and then Tim FINALLY shares the answer to whether he was arrested for stealing candy as a kid, which sparks a discussion around stranger danger, rules for children, and empowering communication.From One Dad to Another is the weekly show where Tim Arnold and Logan Adam Schultz share some stories and share some laughs, chat with area guests, and challenge themselves and others to grow as modern parents.Have an idea for a guest or topic we should discuss? Reach out to us via email ([email protected]), Facebook, Instagram, or LASPodcastNetwork.com!New episodes every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you find your podcasts.From One Dad to Another is produced and distributed by the L.A.S. Podcast Network in Cedar Rapids, IA. For more, visit LASPodcastNetwork.com.Subscribe to L.A.S.+ for just $10/month and get bonus episodes of this show, ad-free versions of every L.A.S. Podcast, pre-sale access to live events, early access to special podcasts and projects, and more benefits, all while support local Iowa creators and businesses. For more information and to get started, head to LASPodcastNetwork.com/plus.
Dec 1, 2021
56 min

On Today's Episode: After a slew of great guests, Tim and Logan regroup for a holiday episode about Thanksgiving, where Logan admits that he doesn't really like Thanksgiving food, Tim gets deep talking about family, and the two promise to grow by "remembering the eggnog". From One Dad to Another is the weekly show where Tim Arnold and Logan Adam Schultz share some stories and share some laughs, chat with area guests, and challenge themselves and others to grow as modern parents.Have an idea for a guest or topic we should discuss? Reach out to us via email ([email protected]), Facebook, Instagram, or LASPodcastNetwork.com!New episodes every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you find your podcasts.From One Dad to Another is produced and distributed by the L.A.S. Podcast Network in Cedar Rapids, IA. For more, visit LASPodcastNetwork.com.Subscribe to L.A.S.+ for just $10/month and get bonus episodes of this show, ad-free versions of every L.A.S. Podcast, pre-sale access to live events, early access to special podcasts and projects, and more benefits, all while support local Iowa creators and businesses. For more information and to get started, head to LASPodcastNetwork.com/plus.
Nov 24, 2021
52 min

On Today's Episode: Logan and Tim are joined by one of their best friends, Joe Link, to discuss navigating hobbies as a parent, Joe's experience as a teacher for the past two decades, and how to actively work on "cultivating enthusiasm" with your children.About Today's Guest: Joe Link is a Language Arts and Stagecraft teacher at Jefferson High School, as well as a community artist who works with organizations such as Theatre Cedar Rapids and SPT Theatre. From One Dad to Another is the weekly show where Tim Arnold and Logan Adam Schultz share some stories and share some laughs, chat with area guests, and challenge themselves and others to grow as modern parents.Have an idea for a guest or topic we should discuss? Reach out to us via email ([email protected]), Facebook, Instagram, or LASPodcastNetwork.com!New episodes every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you find your podcasts.From One Dad to Another is produced and distributed by the L.A.S. Podcast Network in Cedar Rapids, IA. For more, visit LASPodcastNetwork.com.Subscribe to L.A.S.+ for just $10/month and get bonus episodes of this show, ad-free versions of every L.A.S. Podcast, pre-sale access to live events, early access to special podcasts and projects, and more benefits, all while support local Iowa creators and businesses. For more information and to get started, head to LASPodcastNetwork.com/plus.
Nov 17, 2021
52 min

On Today's Episode: Logan and Tim sit down with special guest Ana McClain, owner of Lion Bridge Brewing Company, to discuss her experience as a parent to a child with a limb difference. The group discusses the emotions that go along with the experience, the resources that are available to these families, and how representation in advertising and media has grown over time.About Today's Guest: Ana McClain is the Business Manager and Owner of Lion Bridge Brewing Company, where they have upcoming events and new, local craft beers all the time. To learn more, visit lionbridgebrewingcompany.com.Resources:luckyfinproject.commissnicolekelly.comLimbBo FoundationFrom One Dad to Another is the weekly show where Tim Arnold and Logan Adam Schultz share some stories and share some laughs, chat with area guests, and challenge themselves and others to grow as modern parents.Have an idea for a guest or topic we should discuss? Reach out to us via email ([email protected]), Facebook, Instagram, or LASPodcastNetwork.com!New episodes every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you find your podcasts.From One Dad to Another is produced and distributed by the L.A.S. Podcast Network in Cedar Rapids, IA. For more, visit LASPodcastNetwork.com.Subscribe to L.A.S.+ for just $10/month and get bonus episodes of this show, ad-free versions of every L.A.S. Podcast, pre-sale access to live events, early access to special podcasts and projects, and more benefits, all while support local Iowa creators and businesses. For more information and to get started, head to LASPodcastNetwork.com/plus.
Nov 10, 2021
46 min

On Today's Episode: Logan and Tim are stressed, so the two of them sit down to have an honest talk with each other about their stressors, how they manage (and separate from) their stress, and what that means for their families.From One Dad to Another is the weekly show where Tim Arnold and Logan Adam Schultz share some stories and share some laughs, chat with area guests, and challenge themselves and others to grow as modern parents.Have an idea for a guest or topic we should discuss? Reach out to us via email ([email protected]), Facebook, Instagram, or LASPodcastNetwork.com!New episodes every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you find your podcasts.From One Dad to Another is produced and distributed by the L.A.S. Podcast Network in Cedar Rapids, IA. For more, visit LASPodcastNetwork.com.Subscribe to L.A.S.+ for just $10/month and get bonus episodes of this show, ad-free versions of every L.A.S. Podcast, pre-sale access to live events, early access to special podcasts and projects, and more benefits, all while support local Iowa creators and businesses. For more information and to get started, head to LASPodcastNetwork.com/plus.
Nov 3, 2021
33 min

On Today's Episode: Logan and Tim discuss their favorite candies, reflect on their Halloween experiences as kids, and Logan explores how his distaste for scary films may be keeping him from embracing a holiday with his family.From One Dad to Another is the weekly show where Tim Arnold and Logan Adam Schultz share some stories and share some laughs, chat with area guests, and challenge themselves and others to grow as modern parents.Have an idea for a guest or topic we should discuss? Reach out to us via email ([email protected]), Facebook, Instagram, or LASPodcastNetwork.com!New episodes every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you find your podcasts.From One Dad to Another is produced and distributed by the L.A.S. Podcast Network in Cedar Rapids, IA. For more, visit LASPodcastNetwork.com.Subscribe to L.A.S.+ for just $10/month and get bonus episodes of this show, ad-free versions of every L.A.S. Podcast, pre-sale access to live events, early access to special podcasts and projects, and more benefits, all while support local Iowa creators and businesses. For more information and to get started, head to LASPodcastNetwork.com/plus.
Oct 27, 2021
50 min

TW: MiscarriageOn Today's Episode: Logan and Tim are joined by local artist and influencer Rob Merritt, who just announced that he's having a baby boy! The group explore Rob's decision to have a baby in his forties, the idea of knowing when the time is right, exploring passions, struggling through miscarriage, and how Rob's father has inspired him in his approach towards future parenthood. P.S. 20 Episodes?! Thank you so much for sticking with us for twenty hours of exploration, growth, nonsense, and a whole lot of love. Cheers to the next 20!From One Dad to Another is the weekly show where Tim Arnold and Logan Adam Schultz share some stories and share some laughs, chat with area guests, and challenge themselves and others to grow as modern parents.Have an idea for a guest or topic we should discuss? Reach out to us via email ([email protected]), Facebook, Instagram, or LASPodcastNetwork.com!New episodes every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you find your podcasts.From One Dad to Another is produced and distributed by the L.A.S. Podcast Network in Cedar Rapids, IA. For more, visit LASPodcastNetwork.com.Subscribe to L.A.S.+ for just $10/month and get bonus episodes of this show, ad-free versions of every L.A.S. Podcast, pre-sale access to live events, early access to special podcasts and projects, and more benefits, all while support local Iowa creators and businesses. For more information and to get started, head to LASPodcastNetwork.com/plus.
Oct 22, 2021
55 min

On Today's Episode: Logan and Tim are joined by local musician and new parent Jeremy Jacobs. Jeremy is also one of the hosts of The Groove Life Podcast, another L.A.S. Network show! The group discusses odd similarities between Logan and Jeremy, the decision making process behind becoming a parent, and where Jeremy and Logan are at in developing their work/life balance as new parents. From One Dad to Another is the weekly show where Tim Arnold and Logan Adam Schultz share some stories and share some laughs, chat with area guests, and challenge themselves and others to grow as modern parents.Have an idea for a guest or topic we should discuss? Reach out to us via email ([email protected]), Facebook, Instagram, or LASPodcastNetwork.com!New episodes every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you find your podcasts.From One Dad to Another is produced and distributed by the L.A.S. Podcast Network in Cedar Rapids, IA. For more, visit LASPodcastNetwork.com.Subscribe to L.A.S.+ for just $10/month and get bonus episodes of this show, ad-free versions of every L.A.S. Podcast, pre-sale access to live events, early access to special podcasts and projects, and more benefits, all while support local Iowa creators and businesses. For more information and to get started, head to LASPodcastNetwork.com/plus.
Oct 6, 2021
43 min
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