This week my chat with Simon was so personal and authentic. We get into what inspired Simon to step out and lean into a very tender space and find a strength that has created a very worthwhile movement.
As a founding member of The Verity Foundation, Simon is committed to creating a movement of healthy masculine leadership and a space for men of all ages to connect with themselves and their communities. Inspired by his grandfather’s passing, Simon has dedicated much of his time researching the social and personal need for masculine leadership and intergenerational wisdom sharing.
Simon hosts an online men’s empowerment program focused on supporting men through anxiety, stress, and depression and into strength, confidence, and leadership. Simon is passionate about creating an intergenerational community of men that share wisdom, stories, and respect with the intention of helping all of humanity evolve to an era of equality, health, and happiness.
The Verity Foundation link
Oct 1, 2020
47 min

Today's guest Sean has a lot to say about self-awareness and how he has turned an interest into a business and everyone should know about it.
As a serial entrepreneur, Sean has founded and lead 2 successful organizations over the past 10 years. He has a passion and reputation for building socially responsible products, integrated teams, and scalable cultures.
Sean has served as a member of the SFU Board of Governors Responsible Investment Committee, was a member of the SFU Alumni Association Board and the Hong Kong Canada Business association board.
He is passionate about giving back to his community. He co-founded Whiskey Wiseman a local not for profit that has expanded to 8 countries with over 80,000 members and over $100,000 donated to local charities. Sean founded a community basketball tournament that grew to the largest in Western Canada, hosting 134 high school teams across a 3-day tournament. Also, he was chair of the Canadian Breast Cancer Pauline Chan dress up challenge for 5 years growing donations from $30,000 to $95,000, raising over $250,000.
Sean has been recognized by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada as the Most Exemplary Young Professional and was awarded the PwC CEO award, recognized as the employee of the year for the Canadian practice.
Sean is a husband and father of two girls, whose purpose in life is; to distill moments with kindness and together make it happen.
Website: Checkin
Whiskey Wisemen
Sep 24, 2020
38 min

This episode I had a heartfelt and real chat with Rodney about his leadership and entrepreneurial presence and how growing up without a father impacted his leadership, business life, then lead him to meet his personal hero on his journey to healing and growth.
Rodney Mueller is an entrepreneur, advisor, and mentor that coaches perfect aim. His mentorship and advisory of startup and mid-size CEOs has led to exponential growth through his Perfect Aim Method™.
A high-performance leadership advisor and former army drill sergeant, Rodney believes that humans are the greatest untapped asset in any culture. His proprietary method teaches leaders how to grow into exceptional human beings, grow their companies at record rates, create a culture of visionary employees, and obtain deep fulfillment and meaning in their lives.
Website : http://www.rodneymueller.com
Sites and projects mentioned
Sep 11, 2020
57 min

This week I had the pleasure of chatting with two people committed to their own growth and building happy marriages for other entrepreneurs.
Sarah and Alex Dumas are the founders of Abundance Daily Coaching. They've been married for over 10 years and in that time have experience building several businesses. They are committed to serving and coaching married couples to improve their communication and create meaningful, intimate connections with the focus on making their relationship the priority.
When they aren't spending time together with their 2 kids and their dogs, Sarah and Alex are either serving clients or supporting families all over the world on their weekly show, The Business and Marriage Podcast.
Website: https://www.abundancedaily.com
Their new program, Roommates to Romance is coming up and available to learn more with this link!
Here's the link: https://www.abundancedaily.com/roommatestoromance
Sep 3, 2020
47 min

This episode is chock-full of interesting stories and first-hand accounts that will keep you tuned in the whole time! Bruno has a big personality to wrangle and this was too short of time to get to all the good stuff!
I talk to my friend and peer Bruno who spent 15 years with the Canadian Armed Forces, serving two tours in Afghanistan. He spent his second tour as a part of an anti-explosives team in Afghanistan - we get to learn a Canadian first about this too in the episode. Upon returning home, he realized that his own mental health was deteriorating.
In 2014, he was medically released from the Canadian Armed Forces and began searching for a path to recovery. This path lead to being Captain of Team Canada at Prince Harry’s Invictus Games and Bruno continues to serve as an Ambassador of the Invictus Games and Mental health advocate - Bell - Let's Talk
Bruno works with some of the biggest veteran organizations in the world, high- profile CEOs, world-class athletes, and fast-tracking companies—helping each to establish a solid foundation for sustainable peak performance.
Being an entrepreneur at heart he has also owned a CrossFit gym, and today, Bruno helps high-profile CEOs, executives, managers, and organizations navigate a clear path to their next level of greatness. He believes that sustainable peak performance is achievable. He calls himself a High-Performance Catalyst Coach.
Website: https://brunoguevremont.com
Resource sites
Bell - Lets Talk -https://letstalk.bell.ca/en/get-help
Wounded Warriors - https://woundedwarriors.ca/
The lifeline Canada Foundation -https://thelifelinecanada.ca/resources/veterans-and-military/
Invictus Games https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/invictus-games-2020.html https://invictusgames2020.com/en/
True Patriot Love Foundation https://truepatriotlove.com/
Canada Military Mental health link https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/military-mental-health.html
Aug 27, 2020
55 min

Today my friend and guest Adrienne, we talk about her experience while sheltering in place or as she states, "while my hair grows out" during this global pandemic down in Oakland CA.
While her career focus is on developing leaders and organizational cultures that create the conditions for people to have life-fulfilling experiences at work. This episode touches upon her personal insights, reflections, support for her child, and where it has led her family in a really special way that has not only changed their life it has brought a lot of love to their neighborhood.
Website: https://spirittreeconsulting.com/
Aug 20, 2020
44 min

This episode I am excited to chat with Mike Williams. We get real about what it's like to live and lead with anxiety and his journey to find his greatest heights.
Mike wears many hats from father to founder and director at Jetstream Digital. His true passion has lead him back to his zone of genius as a marketing expert and facilitator at Alacrity Canada, transferring his knowledge to the next marketing geniuses. Mike also lends his wisdom to another worthy non-profit, he is also a board member of Viatec. Now with over 17 years of fatherhood and digital marketing, wild ups, and downs, Mike is inspired to share his own experiences both good and bad infused with his wisdom with the future leaders.
Also worth a note, he is a fellow podcaster and is the host of his own show called - The Turbulent Marketing podcast
Website : www.jetstream.agency
Aug 13, 2020
43 min

In this episode, I speak with Chrystal and she talks about her soulful journey living through a pandemic and hitting some serious issues personally. Sometimes it seems like things all crash at once, this time it's true! Living through challenge changes you and Chrystals story is incredible all the way around.
Chrystals' mission is to combine her makeup artistry with her education in social justice in order to revolutionize the beauty industry and inspire solidarity for BIPOC and 2 Spirit LGBTQ+ everywhere.
Check out her Instagram for more of her and her stunning photoshoots
Aug 6, 2020
31 min

Thiago is a brand strategist, consumer researcher, entrepreneur, and coach. He has worked in agencies in Brazil and the UK, helping clients from Netflix to Unilever. For the past 4 years Thiago has worked independently as a researcher and brand strategist, and now coaches solo entrepreneurs who are more interested in building a fulfilling life than hustling for 8- figures.
Website: https://www.thiagofontes.com
Jul 30, 2020
47 min

Welcome to the first episode of From Here to There!
I am so lucky to hang out with someone who I have known over 3 decades of my life and now is doing important mental and emotional health work.
Dr Russ AKA The Anxiety MD truly knows anxiety from every angle and has lived with it for years! This episode is packed with some great information about the journey of a doctor walking away from his practice that he worked so hard to get to and find where he exactly needed to be.
If you or someone you know lives with the debilitating effects of anxiety, please tune in!
Here is the link to Dr Russ's website - https://dr-russ.com/
Jul 21, 2020
57 min
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