Who hasn't wanted to quit there job and travel the world? This week's guest, Clayton Cuteri the host of Traveling to Consciousness, tells his story of doing exactly that. He shares his inspiring story of being a successful programmer to taking the scary leap for a more fulfilling life. If you want to expand your consciousness on fear, guilt, fear, anger, and our failing education system this is the episode for you. Clayton's page: travelingtoconsciousness.comLink up: https://linktr.ee/friendsoffailure Send us your failure at stories at [email protected]
Oct 10, 2022
1 hr 4 min

Have you been stuck due to putting off getting help with your mental health? Our guest, Ben Walker-Storey, is a creator who went through that and shares how finally getting the right help got him back on the path to success. If you like the scented markers you'll love his work on MONSTER FUNK Adult Coloring Book and may other projects.Ben's page: http://benwalkerart.com/Link up: https://linktr.ee/friendsoffailure Send us your failure at stories at [email protected]
Sep 26, 2022
1 hr 1 min

Is your brain set up for success? Or how often do you feel like your brain is wired to make you fail? Or have you gone from millions in the bank, to zero, then back up again? Our guest Liam Naden has that rags back to riches story that changed his whole trajectory. With his life experience we learn about the right way to use your brain backed by his research in neuroscience, psychology and human behavior.Liam's page: liamnaden.comLink up: https://linktr.ee/friendsoffailure Send us your failure at stories at [email protected]
Sep 9, 2022
1 hr 1 min

This week's guest, Meshell Baker, is a Confidence Coach who shares how she embraced failure in her quest to ignite passion in others. We talk habits and a solid morning routine's impact on driving change plus how it's okay to readjust after new insight. Meshell's confidence is contagious and if you need a boost this episode will have you covered. Meshell's page: meshellrbaker.comLink up: https://linktr.ee/friendsoffailure Send us your failure at stories at [email protected]
Aug 12, 2022
1 hr 10 min

This week Megan and Sam talk to UK teacher of over 37 year, Maxine Blake. Known by her students as 'The Terminator' Maxine has seen everything from a Phantom Pooper to wardrobe malfunctions. This conversation will make you think of all the crazy stories your teachers had hidden up their sleeves and wondering if it's the same level of wild Maxine's book 'Don't Poo in the Pudding Bowl' contains.Maxine's book and page: http://maxineblake.com/Link up: https://linktr.ee/friendsoffailure Send us your failure at stories at [email protected]
Jul 29, 2022
1 hr 12 min

Have you ever beaten yourself up about not being better or more committed to your hobby? In a world where 'being productive' reins supreme it's hard not to apply that to the things you do in your free time. This week Megan and Sam talk about their own hobbies and how important it is to have a safe space to happily fail. Link up: https://linktr.ee/friendsoffailure Send us your failure at stories at [email protected]
Jul 15, 2022
1 hr 12 min

Our guest this week is Jay Shifman from the Choose Your Struggle organization and Podcast. Jay brings a deep knowledge of drug misuse and recovery from both personal experience and his education. We discuss the failures in American society around drug laws, the stigma drug users face, and how safe use and recovery are not as big of a priority as they should be. Jay's page: jayshifman.comChoose Your Struggle: chooseyourstruggle.comLink up: linktr.ee/friendsoffailure Send us your failure at stories at [email protected]
Jul 1, 2022
1 hr 8 min

TW: Grief, Loss, & UnalivingThis week's topic is something universal to the human experience but taboo to discuss openly: Grief. Whether from the death of a loved one or the end of a friendship coping with grief is full of messy emotions that can give the feeling of 'coping badly'. Sam and Megan discuss their own experiences to demystify there being a right way to handle a loss. Link up: https://linktr.ee/friendsoffailure Send us your failure at stories at [email protected]
Jun 10, 2022
1 hr 9 min

The only constant in life is change so why does it make us so uncomfortable? In this episode Sam and Megan talk about how changes big and small affect us throughout the different stages of life. And how change can push you into that fear of failing zone. The biggest question raised is why is Flaming Hot Cheeto Mountain Dew a thing? Seriously, who pitched this?Link up: https://linktr.ee/friendsoffailure Send us your failure at stories at [email protected]
May 20, 2022
55 min

Who hasn't had travel plan go south real fast? Maybe you get trapped in a airport or you melted crayons in your sick PT Cruiser rental car. This week Sam and Megan talk about all that can go wrong when seeing new places and how their perspectives on these road-bumps have changed with more travel experiences.Link up: https://linktr.ee/friendsoffailure Send us your failure at stories at [email protected]
May 7, 2022
1 hr
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