French Verbs – French Etc Podcast

French Verbs – French Etc

French Verbs – French Etc
FRENCH ETC. selects a new French verb every time and conjugates it in 14 tenses and modes. Get the worksheets.
Biking Verbs – On s’fait Conjuguer
Biking Verbs – Let’s Get Conjugated Part of French Conjugations, Promptly | French TourLearn the most effective way to learn and remember French conjugations. In this lesson, you’ll be prompted with a sentences in one of 4 tenses. You have to come up with the 3 other conjugation forms. It’s fun.The 4 tenses we’re working on today are the present tense, the passé composé, the imparfait and the future tense.This ‘On Se Fait Conjuguer’ lesson is inspired by Verbes à propos du vélo – Petite Colle, which you can review before you test yourself.  Conjugations – Print out the lessons and fill in the blanks without thinking twice to conjugate the verbs in context. Pay attention to any small changes you might need to do so that the sentences remain plausible. And finally, say the sentences out loud. #onsefaitconjuguer Exercice – Practice Conjugaisons – Imprimez l’exercice et remplissez les tirets du tac au tac pour conjuguer les verbes en contexte. Attention aux petits changements éventuels pour que les phrases restent plausibles. Et enfin, dites les phrases à haute voix.DOWNLOAD THE PDF 1.UN Présent : ___________ Passé composé : ___________ Imparfait : ___________ Futur : Ils gagneront la course demain, c’est sûr. 2.DEUX Présent : ___________ Passé composé : ___________ Imparfait : Le coureur s’échappait du peloton. Futur : ___________ 3.TROIS Présent : ___________ Passé composé : Est-ce que t’as déjà crevé ? Imparfait : ___________ Futur : ___________ 4.QUATRE Présent : Je vais pas avec toi parce que tu pédales trop vite. Passé composé : ___________ Imparfait : ___________ Futur : ___________ 5.CINQ Présent : ___________ Passé composé : ___________ Imparfait : ___________ Futur : Ils perdront la course dimanche prochain. 6.SIX Présent : ___________ Passé composé : Elle a freiné trop vite et elle est passée par-dessus le guidon. Imparfait : ___________ Futur : ___________ 7.SEPT Présent : Nous ne grimpons jamais en danseuse. Passé composé : ___________ Imparfait : ___________ Futur : ___________ 8.HUIT Présent : ___________
Jun 30, 2021
5 min
AIMER – Conjugation of to like, to love at FrenchHour
AIMER – Présent – Conjugaison at FrenchHour AIMER – Conjugation of to like, to love. Listen, repeat and practice French conjugations with Anne at * AIM– is the root of the verb* –ER is the ending of the verb Indicatif – Indicative Mode  …. statements présent …. present tense j’aime …. I love* je n’aime pas …. I don’t love j’aime …. I love tu aimes …. you love elle aime …. she loves il aime …. he/it loves on aime …. we love nous aimons …. we love vous aimez …. you love elles aiment …. they love ils aiment …. they love  …. *also I’m loving… imparfait …. imperfect j’aimais …. I used to love* je n’aimais pas …. I didn’t use to love j’aimais …. I used to love tu aimais …. you used to love elle aimait …. she used to love il aimait …. he/it used to love on aimait …. we used to love nous aimions …. we used to love vous aimiez …. you used to love elles aimaient …. they used to love ils aimaient …. they used to love  …. •also I was loving, I would love… passé composé …. preterite, present perfect j’ai aimé …. I loved* je n’ai pas aimé …. I didn’t love j’ai aimé …. I loved tu as aimé …. you loved elle a aimé …. she loved il a aimé …. he/it loved on a aimé …. we loved nous avons aimé …. we loved vous avez aimé …. you loved elles ont aimé …. they loved ils ont aimé …. they loved  …. *also I have loved… futur simple …. future tense j’aimerai …. I will love je n’aimerai pas …. I won’t love j’aimerai …. I will love tu aimeras …. you will love elle aimera …. she will love il aimera …. he/it will love on aimera …. we will love nous aimerons …. we will love vous aimerez …. you will love elles aimeront …. they will love ils aimeront …. they will love passé proche …. near past je viens d’aimer …. I just loved je ne viens pas d’aimer …. I didn’t just love je viens d’aimer …. I just loved tu viens d’aimer …. you just loved elle vient d’aimer …. she just loved il vient d’aimer …. he/it just loved on vient d’aimer …. we just loved nous venons d’aimer …. we just loved vous venez d’aimer …. you just loved
Apr 23, 2020
6 min
Du tac au tac – Le virus à FrenchHour
As fast as you can – Conjugated Sentences 6 – The virus Améliorez votre français en conjuguant ces verbes du tac au tac sur le thème du virus. Improve your French by conjugating these verbs about the virus as fast as you can. Exercice – Practice Remplissez les tirets selon la traduction ci-dessous. – Fill in the blanks according to the translation below. * Il _____ (tousser) et tout le monde pensait qu’il avait attrapé le virus.* _____ (se laver) les mains souvent pour rester en bonne santé.* Je _____ (ne pas s’inquiéter) de ses symptômes.* Elle ne _____ (guérir) que si elle se repose.* Nous _____ (se sentir)­­­­ un peu fiévreux. Anglais – English * He coughed and everyone thought he had (caught) the virus.* Wash your hands often to stay healthy.* I’m not worried about their symptoms.* She’ll heal only if she rests.* We felt a little feverish. Réponses – Answers * Il a toussé et tout le monde pensait qu’il avait attrapé le virus.* Lavez-vous les mains souvent pour rester en bonne santé.* Je ne m’inquiète pas de ses symptômes.* Elle ne guérira que si elle se repose.* Nous nous sentions un peu fiévreux. Related Confinement dû au coronavirus – French Vocabulary 10 erreurs – Quitter Paris . Today’s French . List . Mot du Jour . List . Le Blogue . Tutorials . Newsletter . Memberships . Donate . Go to Course – Practice French Conjugations .
Apr 13, 2020
1 min
-ANT ou infinitif ? Today’s French at FrenchHour
-ANT or infinitive? Present participle – -ing- or infinitive verb?  How do you translate in French? ‘We spent the day baking‘ What is the more correct sentence? “On a passé la journée à faire des gâteaux” or “On a passé la journée en faisant des gâteaux”? Entraînez-vous –  Practice Faites des phrases comme les exemples suivants : * Ils ont marché en bavardant. >> -ING = -ANT* They walked while chatting.* Ils ont passé du temps à bavarder.>> -ING = INFINITIVE* They spent time chatting. Check out Anne’s trick, risk-free in the Premium Lesson  Interro – Quiz Take this quiz and check if you know the present participle in French. Quiz: -ANT ou infinitif ? Choisissez la bonne réponse. Pick the right answer. * The farmer arrived, PUSHING a wheelbarrow full of straw.La fermière est arrivée _____ une brouette pleine de paille.* à pousser* en poussant * This site helps UNDERSTANDING French.Ce site aide _____ le français.* en comprenant* à comprendre* We never listen to music WHILE WORKING.Nous n’écoutons jamais de musique _____.* à travailler* en travaillant* Ensuite – Next Choose One or the Other – Course . Today’s French . List . Mot du Jour . List . Le Blogue . 3 Great Memberships .Courses . Donate .
Jul 25, 2019
2 min
POUVOIR – Today’s French at FrenchHour
pouvoir – to be able to, can – Verbe conjugué Listen to Anne and repeat this verb conjugation with the translation. Practice with the exercise and answers Anne created. Learn French, one step at a time at FrenchHour. statements …. Indicatif – Indicative Mode present tense …. présent I am able to* …. je peux I am not able to …. je ne peux pas I am able to …. je peux you are able to …. tu peux she is able to …. elle peut he/it is able to …. il peut we are able to …. on peut we are able to  …. nous pouvons you are able to …. vous pouvez they are able to …. elles peuvent they are able to …. ils peuvent *also I can… …. imperfect …. imparfait I used to be able to* …. je pouvais I didn’t use to be able to …. je ne pouvais pas I used to be able to …. je pouvais you used to be able to …. tu pouvais she used to be able to …. elle pouvait he/it used to be able to …. il pouvait we used to be able to …. on pouvait we used to be able to …. nous pouvions you used to be able to …. vous pouviez they used to be able to …. elles pouvaient they used to be able to …. ils pouvaient *also I  was able to, I could …. preterite, present perfect …. passé composé I was able to* …. j’ai pu I was not able to …. je n’ai pas pu I was able to …. j’ai pu you were able to …. tu as pu she was able to …. elle a pu he/it was able to …. il a pu we were able to …. on a pu we were able to  …. nous avons pu you were able to …. vous avez pu they were able to …. elles ont pu they were able to …. ils ont pu *also I could… …. future tense …. futur simple I will be able to …. je pourrai I won’t be able to …. je ne pourrai pas I will be able to …. je pourrai you will be able to …. tu pourras she will be able to …. elle pourra he/it will be able to …. il pourra we will be able to …. on pourra we will be able to …. nous pourrons you will be able to …. vous pourrez they will be able to …. elles pourront they will be able to …. ils pourront Exercice – pouvoir Translate from one language to the other. * Je ne peux pas y aller avec eux.* J’ai pu le voir avant son départ.* Tu pouvais le faire avant.* Elle n’a pas pu me le dire. CONTINUEContinue this lesson as a premium member Check out the COURSE .
Apr 28, 2019
4 min
ACHETER – Practice conjugating – Today’s French at FrenchHour
ACHETER – Practice conjugating – Today’s French ACHETER – Exercice de conjugaison – Le français d’aujourd’hui Listen to the conjugated verb – many times. I need you to get to the point that you can say the tenses without thinking. Then practice with the exercise to check if you know how to conjugate ACHETER in French. ACHETER – Verbe Conjugué Indicatif – Indicative Mode …. statements présent …. present tense j’achète …. I buy je n’achète pas …. I’m not buying tu achètes …. you buy elle achète …. she buys il achète …. he/it buys on achète …. we buy nous achetons …. we buy vous achetez …. you buy elles achètent …. they buy ils achètent …. they buy  *also I’m buying… imparfait …. imperfect j’achetais …. I used to buy* je n’achetais pas …. I didn’t use to buy* tu achetais …. you used to buy elle achetait …. she used to buy il achetait …. he/it used to buy on achetait …. we used to buy nous achetions …. we used to buy vous achetiez …. you used to buy elles achetaient …. they used to buy ils achetaient …. they used to buy  *also I would buy… passé composé …. preterit or present perfect j’ai acheté …. I bought, I have bought je n’ai pas acheté …. I didn’t buy tu as acheté …. you bought elle a acheté …. she bought il a acheté …. he/it bought on a acheté …. we bought nous avons acheté …. we bought vous avez acheté …. you bought elles ont acheté …. they bought ils ont acheté …. they bought futur simple …. future tense j’achèterai …. I will buy je n’achèterai pas …. I will not buy tu achèteras …. you will buy elle achètera …. she will buy il achètera …. he/it will buy on achètera …. we will buy nous achèterons …. we will buy vous achèterez …. you will buy elles achèteront …. they will buy ils achèteront …. they will buy Exercice – ACHETER Remplacez les tirets avec les mots de la liste et la traduction. — Fill in the blanks with the words from the list and the translation. Mots pour les tirets – achetait, achèterai, achetions. * On ____________ toujours notre pain dans cette boulangerie en bas de l’immeuble.* Je ne ____________ jamais cette bicoque.* Elle ____________ une trousse à outils pour faire ses rénovations. * We (on) always used to buy our bread at this bakery at the bottom of the building.* I’ll never buy this shack.* She bought a tool kit (bag) to remodel.* Réponses - Answers * On achetait toujours notre pain dans ce...
Apr 1, 2019
3 min
French verb conjugated – BOIRE
French verb conjugated – BOIRE – to drink How is this French verb conjugated – BOIRE - TO DRINK? What does it sound like? AUDIO below, by Anne, a native speaker Indicatif - Indicative Mode .... statements présent .... present tense je bois .... I drink* je ne bois pas .... I don’t drink tu bois .... you drink elle boit .... she drinks il boit .... he/it drinks on boit .... we drink nous buvons .... we drink vous buvez .... you drink elles boivent .... they drink ils boivent .... they drink I'm drinking imparfait .... imperfect je buvais .... I used to drink* je ne buvais pas .... I didn’t use to drink tu buvais .... you used to drink elle buvait .... she used to drink il buvait .... he/it used to drink on buvait .... we used to drink nous buvions .... we used to drink vous buviez .... you used to drink elles buvaient .... they used to drink ils buvaient .... they used to drink I was drinking, I would drink… passé composé .... preterit or present perfect j’ai bu .... I drank* je n’ai pas bu .... I didn’t drink tu as bu .... you drank elle a bu .... she drank il a bu .... he/it drank on a bu .... we drank nous avons bu .... we drank vous avez bu .... you drank elles ont bu .... they drank ils ont bu .... they drank I have drunk…. futur simple .... future tense je boirai .... I will drink je ne boirai pas .... I won’t drink tu boiras .... you will drink elle boira .... she will drink il boira .... he/it will drink on boira .... we will drink nous boirons .... we will drink vous boirez .... you will drink elles boiront .... they will drink ils boiront .... they will drink Continue with the Premium worksheet Drill this verb here Did you like it? Please share and link Related: tenses and modes . 52 Very First French Verbs . What is JE, TU, ELLE, IL …? . AUDIO How to download and save onto iTunes
Nov 16, 2016
2 min
lire – to read – French verb conjugated
lire - to read - French verb conjugated How is this French verb conjugated – LIRE – TO READ? What does it sound like? AUDIO below, by Anne, a native speaker LI- is the root of the verb -RE is the ending of the verb Indicatif - Indicative Mode .... statements présent .... present tense je lis .... I read* je ne lis pas .... I’m not reading je lis .... I read tu lis .... you read elle lit .... she reads il lit .... he/it reads on lit .... we read nous lisons .... we read vous lisez .... you read elles lisent .... they read ils lisent .... they read *also I'm reading… imparfait .... imperfect je lisais .... I used to read* je ne lisais pas .... I didn’t use to read je lisais .... I used to read tu lisais .... you used to read elle lisait .... she used to read il lisait .... he/it used to read on lisait .... we used to read nous lisions .... we used to read vous lisiez .... you used to read elles lisaient .... they used to read ils lisaient .... they used to read *also I was reading , I would read… passé composé .... preterit or present perfect j’ai lu .... I read* je n’ai pas lu .... I didn’t read j’ai lu .... I read tu as lu .... you read elle a lu .... she read il a lu .... he/it read on a lu .... we read nous avons lu .... we read vous avez lu .... you read elles ont lu .... they read ils ont lu .... they read *also I have read…. futur simple .... future tense je lirai .... I will read je ne lirai pas .... I won’t read je lirai .... I will read tu liras .... you will read elle lira .... she will read il lira .... he/it will read on lira .... we will read nous lirons .... we will read vous lirez .... you will read elles liront .... they will read ils liront .... they will read Continue with this verb and many more in the Premium area Drill this verb Related: Tenses and modes . 52 Very First French Verbs . What is JE, TU, ELLE, IL …? . 200 first French verbs . Verbs conjugated . French tenses and modes . French verb groups . . . Become a member on FE or Enroll to Take a Course on FH Did you like it? Please share and link AUDIO <a style="color: #808000;" href="
Oct 10, 2016
2 min
French verb conjugated – s’agir de, to be about
French verb conjugated – s'agir de, to be about S'AGIR DE – TO BE ABOUT – French verb conjugated – Verbe Conjugué – How is this verb conjugated? What does it sound like? Listen to Anne. Indicatif - Indicative Mode  --- statements présent --- present tense il s’agit de --- it is about il ne s’agit pas de --- it is not about imparfait --- imperfect il s’agissait de --- it was about il ne s’agissait pas de --- it wasn’t about passé composé --- preterit or present perfect il s’est agi de --- it was about il ne s’est pas agi de --- it wasn’t about futur simple --- future tense il s’agira de --- it will be about il ne s’agira pas de --- it won’t be about Practice here Related: Tenses and modes . 52 Very First French Verbs . What is JE, TU, ELLE, IL …? . 200 first French verbs . Verbs conjugated . French verb groups . Movies Vocabulary . AUDIO
Aug 7, 2016
1 min
French verb conjugated – PARTIR – to leave
French verb conjugated - PARTIR - to leave How is PARTIR conjugated? What does it sound like? Listen to native speaker Anne Partir, to leave, is a ‘third group’ –IR verb. Indicatif - Indicative Mode  .... statements présent .... present tense je pars .... I leave* je ne pars pas .... I’m not leaving je pars .... I leave tu pars .... you leave elle part .... she leaves il part .... he/it leaves on part .... we leave nous partons .... we leave vous partez .... you leave elles partent .... they leave ils partent .... they leave also I’m leaving… imparfait .... imperfect je partais .... I used to leave* je ne partais pas .... I didn’t use to leave je partais .... I used to leave tu partais .... you used to leave elle partait .... she used to leave il partait .... he/it used to leave on partait .... we used to leave nous partions .... we used to leave vous partiez .... you used to leave elles partaient .... they used to leave ils partaient .... they used to leave also I was leaving, I would leave… passé composé .... preterit or present perfect je suis parti/e .... I left* je ne suis pas parti/e .... I didn’t leave je suis parti/e .... I left tu es parti/e .... you left elle est partie .... she left il est parti .... he/it left on est parti/s/es .... we left nous sommes partis/es .... we left vous êtes partis/es .... you left elles sont parties .... they left ils sont partis .... they left also I have left… futur simple .... future tense je partirai .... I will leave je ne partirai pas .... I won’t leave je partirai .... I will leave tu partiras .... you will leave elle partira .... she will leave il partira .... he/it will leave on partira .... we will leave nous partirons .... we will leave vous partirez .... you will leave elles partiront .... they will leave ils partiront .... they will leave Continue with this verb and many more here Related: Personal pronouns - JE TU ELLE . 200 first French verbs . Verbs conjugated . French tenses and modes . French verb groups . AUDIO
Jun 26, 2016
3 min
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