We all have times when we falter and deviate from our desired course. That happened to me and I talk all about it on today’s episode. It’s perfect timing with the impending new year and all of the positive change that will, no doubt, be on everyone’s mind.
Dec 27, 2020
17 min

Tis the season for relentless marketing and excessive consumption. Unless we rise above it. On today’s episode I talk about marketing and consumerism, but more importantly why we need to block these negative influences. I even go into some stats on some other relevant economics.
Nov 29, 2020
18 min

Time’s flying! I can’t believe that it’s almost the end of the year! These are all things that we hear and we may have even recently said ourselves. Why is it that time seems to be passing by so quickly? On today’s episode I talk about how our most valuable asset, time, seems to pass by so fast, and what I do to try to slow it down.
Oct 11, 2020
22 min

We all have things that we’re dealing with, and we all find ourselves down sometimes. There are some simple things that can help to lift our moods, even just a little bit. I like to refer to these things as minimalist medicine, and on this episode I discuss a few examples that I use to help lift my mood whenever I find myself down.
Oct 4, 2020
13 min

Information about capsule wardrobes is all over the internet, but what’s it really like? This episode answers that question! Of all of the things you can pare back, your wardrobe is one that impacts your day to day life quite a bit. So let’s discuss the realities of living with an extremely pared back wardrobe.
Sep 27, 2020
25 min

Negativity, when left unchecked, can become a big problem. It finds its way into every aspect of our lives and weighs us down. On this episode I discuss negativity. I talk about how I control it and manage it in order to minimize its impact on my life.
Sep 20, 2020
13 min

Hobbies come in all shapes and sizes. Some require a lot of STUFF, and others don’t. Some bring you a lot of gratification, and others may not. On today’s episode I discuss hobbies. I talk about my own hobbies and also new hobbies. I share ideas around how to manage hobbies so that you can stay on track towards a pared back life.
Sep 13, 2020
17 min

To avoid the pitfall of operating on autopilot, I carefully set intentions. I stay cognizant of the reasons why I do what I do. It’s so important to live an intentional life. As life is dynamic, we need to constantly check back in on our intentions. On this episode I talk about my intentions with minimalism and what it all means to me.
Sep 6, 2020
7 min

Health and fitness has slowly become more and more complicated and seemingly out of reach as a result. This is largely for the benefit of health and fitness companies. It doesn’t have to be our reality. On today’s episode I talk about time tested fitness exercises that require no fancy equipment, aren’t only for the elite, and aren’t part of an expensive exercise fad.
Aug 30, 2020
13 min

After 9 months, I’ve finally bought something that’s a non-consumable. What was it that finally drove me to break this 9 month streak? On today’s episode I talk all about it. I discuss what I bought, why I bought it and all of the mixed feelings that I had.
Aug 23, 2020
14 min
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