One of the most important relationships - and most challenging - is that of a parent and child. Parenting can be joyful, frustrating, confusing, fulfilling, exhausting, name it. We'd love to be friends with our kids, but how does that work? As we lead our kids to Christ, what are the principles we can implement to shape our children into his image? How can we show our kids love the way our Heavenly Father loves and parents us?
Jan 9, 2024
32 min
58% of Americans today report that they are lonely. That number jumps to 70% for leaders. It's lonely at the top, as they say.
In this episode, we discuss how to overcome the obstacles that get in the way and how to fight for meaningful friendships.
Sep 11, 2023
26 min
We wrap up our three-episode series on Scarcity Mindsets with the topic of time. We feel like we never have enough of it. We're racing and struggling to squeeze every last bit of time out of our days, and it's a resource we can never truly replace. It's finite. But if we fall into the trap of believing that God hasn't given us enough time to accomplish his call on our lives, we are missing out on the freedom and joy he invites us to experience on the journey. Receive a few fresh leadership insights about how God wants us to enjoy and steward the gift of time.
Jun 26, 2023
25 min
Continuing the conversation from our last episode, another area we struggle with as leaders and just simply Christ-followers is fighting a scarcity mindset with our money. We are leaders (stewards) of our finances, to use them wisely and in alignment with God's heart and mission. Money is a test; a test of our faith, trust, and obedience. In this episode, we talk about our journey and struggles in trusting God in this area of generosity and leading others in their generosity as well.
Jun 1, 2023
32 min
Have you ever felt like you have a lid on your leadership, and it's you? Have you ever felt like you're incapable of doing what's set out in front of you? Whether we doubt our own abilities, or we don't know how to grow, or we feel discouraged by comparison to others, we often wrestle with ourselves and our own abilities. In this podcast, Pastor Kyle Dana, Brittany Grim, and Katie Dorsey discuss what it means to have a scarcity mindset when it comes to our own abilities and how to fight against that mindset.
May 15, 2023
27 min
One of the most impactful things a Christian leader can do is meet consistently with a gathering of fellow believers. We call these small groups, and not only do they grow you and your faith, they build necessary friendships to face the challenges of life. We believe with a little inspiration and training, you can either launch a brand new group of your own, or, if you already have one, you can make your current group great! Listen in on this conversation with Nathan Lawrence and Katie Dorsey covering the foundational principles of launching & leading a great small group.
Jan 26, 2023
52 min
Life can be overwhelming. The responsibilities and deadlines we face are seemingly non-stop, particularly for us as leaders. What does the Bible have to say about feeling overwhelmed, and continuing to lead even when we are met with these feelings? Are there practical skills we can use to manage stress? What do we need to let go of? What do we need to hold onto? We'll talk about these issues and more in this episode focused on the busy pace of the life of a leader.
Nov 4, 2022
38 min
Listen to a special weekend message from Pastor Kyle as he shares a vision for a 6-month prayer initiative entitled, "Immeasurably More".
Jul 20, 2022
33 min
If you found yourself in a situation where someone was asking questions about the faithline, would you know what to say? Would you be hesitant? Would you be bold? Would you second guess if you were "doing it right"? This podcast conversation between Nathan Lawrence and Kristy Fisher covers those fears and misconceptions, and provides clear and practical steps to prepare you for some of the most important conversations you'll ever have.
To find a digital version of our church's faithline book, visit:
Jun 9, 2022
1 hr 1 min
Everything about Jesus' life and ministry, even including his crucifixion and resurrection, can teach us lessons in leadership. Join Nathan Lawrence, Brittany Grim, and Gina Cone as they discuss leadership lessons from the example of Jesus.
Apr 20, 2022
40 min
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