For Want of a Nail Podcast

For Want of a Nail

A podcast about small mistakes that lead to big disasters. Disasters, fires, plane crashes, spree killings, institutional breakdowns, murders...let's talk about awful things that didn't have to happen, and the ways in which they should have been prevented.
"I have just given up.": The tragic deaths of Fiona Pilkington and Francecca Hardwick
The car rolls into the layby, unnoticed in the darkness, and grinds to a halt on the dirt. She is crying at the wheel. Perhaps she knows what she is about to do is wrong, but for her, so far as she can see, there are no more options. This is the only avenue they have left her with. In the back, her daughter starts to cry. It is late, she should be in bed. She is confused and tired, cuddling a shivering rabbit on her lap. Her mother rubs her face. They will rest soon. All of t...
Jan 21, 2024
29 min
"Mom, I've done something terrible":  The final rampage of Laurie Dann
The young man stands in the sunwashed kitchen, sweat still drying on his skin. He cannot take his eyes from the young woman standing a few feet away, the young woman dressed only in a T-shirt and a plastic garbage bag wrapped around her waist. The young woman holding a gun on himself and his mother. The young woman is agitated, fretting. She claims to have been raped, and to have shot her rapist, but she will not allow them to call 911 and refuses their offer of clothing. And...
Jun 19, 2023
1 hr 34 min
"Men awakened but to die" - The Burning of the Sultana
The engineer of the steamboat hears the crew, shouting and raging once again. His stomach turns as he hears their protests. He knows what the captain will say, and he knows why it is necessary, but he also understands why the crew is so repulsed, why they have threatened mutinies. They are military men, and the job they are being forced to do shocks and horrifies them. The engineer can do little, as he approaches the massive paddlewheels that churn the muddy riverwater into a...
Feb 15, 2023
56 min
"A tiny little thing": The Rana Plaza Collapse
The young man weeps as he stands at his window. For months his mind has been dominated by the memory of falling masonry, his ears ringing with the screams of the dying, his nose choked by the stench of decomposing flesh. When he closes his eyes he can see them, the ones he was unable to save. The famous image, a woman with her head thrown back, a man with his arms around her and his head laid on her chest, blood running down his face, both of them encased in dust and crumbled concrete, ...
Sep 1, 2022
58 min
The Pink Death: The Iraq Poison Grain Disaster
The children are hungry, clamouring around their mother in the hot, dusty home. Their mother dusts her hands with flour and begins to flatten out the dough, pressing it into discs with her strong fingers before opening the tannour to press them against the hot, clay walls. A few minutes later she pulls the steaming bread from the oven, and the children squeal in delight as she hands out the fresh loaves. It's the pink bread, the bread made with the special flour their father brought hom...
Jul 27, 2022
31 min
Genene Jones: The Death Nurse
WARNING FOR CHILD DEATH. The nurse slumps in a chair set in the corner of the room, sobs racking her body. Yet another small body lies cold and inert on the table nearby. They have spent days tending him, only for his little heart to repeatedly stop, for blood to ooze from his eyes and mouth. Not a single doctor can understand why. Time after time the ward fought to resuscitate him, the baby's heart had given out. The nurse who cared for him is inconsolable. In a few minutes, she will ca...
Jun 13, 2022
1 hr 6 min
The Awful Death of Terrell Peterson
Terrell Peterson was a five-year-old boy who was brutally abused, neglected, and eventually killed by his grandmother and aunt. But that's just the beginning of this infuriating tale. Join me and we will talk about the mistakes, negligence, and outright indifference on the part of the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services that led to the death of Terrell Peterson. Warning for graphic discussion of child abuse and injury.
May 1, 2022
44 min
Turkish Airlines Flight 981
On March 3rd, 1974, Turkish Airlines Flight 981 all but fell out of the sky, resulting in the deaths of 346 people. The resulting investigation and court case sent shock waves through the aviation industry. Join me for a deep dive into the catastrophic series of errors and corporate negligence that caused the equally catastrophic crash of Turkish Airlines flight 981.
Mar 15, 2022
48 min
The Station Nightclub Fire
On February 20th, 2003, a rock concert at the Station Nightclub ended in tragedy. With 100 dead and 230 injured, it was the fourth deadliest nightclub fire in American history. What happened, why did it happen, and how could it have been prevented? Join me for a deep dive into the tragedy of the Station Nightclub fire.
Jan 18, 2022
57 min