Flippening - For Crypto Investors
Flippening - For Crypto Investors
Clay Collins
[Audiobook] Crypto Market Cap: A Review & Survey
44 minutes Posted Dec 15, 2018 at 6:20 am.
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Today’s episode is a departure from the usual format. Instead of an interview, you’ll hear an audiobook created from a long-form article that I published with Nathaniel Whittemore a few weeks ago, entitled “Crypto Market Cap: An In-Depth Review & Survey Of Emerging Alternatives”.

The article sparked a lot of discussions, but some of the feedback suggested that the length of the article may have made the content less accessible. Listening to the article, however, provided a much different experience. What you’re going to hear on today’s show is the article read by a professional voice actor who has experience narrating Audible books. In this piece, Nathaniel and I review the following topics:

In this episode we discuss:
-Why the conversation about Market Cap matters
-The origin of Market Cap
-How Market Cap became the dominant measure of value
-How Market Cap is evaluated
-The differences between tokens and stocks, and why this matters as a critique of Market Cap
-How inflation schedules matter as a critique of Market Cap
-Why the challenges of determining what number to use for supply lead to a major critique of Market Cap
-The problem of Redemption Impact when it comes to cryptocurrency
-How a Fully Diluted Market Cap could improve on the current Market Cap system
-How using Realized Capital could provide a more accurate picture of circulating supply by removing lost, dormant, or never-activated coins.
-How The Market-Value-to-Realized Value (MVRV) could incorporate market cycle analysis into market capitalization
-The case for measuring volume and liquidity instead of market cap
-Measuring security expenses as a measure of assessing value
-Measuring community and network health as a means of assessing value

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