Flat White Chats Podcast
Flat White Chats
Robin James | Man For Himself | YouTuber and Blogger
via Podcasts
Rare non-annoying social influencer
I love how Robin James keep being very down to earth and humble when he is actually one of the wisest social bloggers in the world right now. He’s so relatable and friendly, you can’t help but feel trusted like you have a best mate in him.
Accept The Compliment
Loved the content and body positivity/ confidence message in this podcast. I’m such a big fan of you Robin. Keep up the good work definitely subscribed.
Rocky Page
A natural
Been listening to podcasts for years now and was pleasantly surprised and happy you are expanding your horizons after YouTube. You are fantastic in both. So natural so entertaining. Love listening to you. I do want you to succeed, will continue to help you (advice) in anyway I can. Keep podcasts less than 20-25 mins, loads of guests, stay true to yourself and brand, advertise from YouTube and Instagram and increase variety of topics. Your strengths of course and then add, shopping, movies, relationship advice, talk about a few current affairs. Love you robin. May you get rewarded for all your hard work.
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Driving with Robin
Ok i might just need this to be a daily thing 😂 perfect for my super early morning drive to work
M - Dubai
New favorite podcast for my commute!
Very casual and conversational. Love the look into some more real topics.
Love this podcast
Really enjoyed this and so on point!
Amazing person
I love this guy, very knowledgeable on many subjects
Love LOVE L O V E Robin
I am a 55-year-old woman living in the Midwest, and just stumbled upon Robin’s posts while looking for some hair product advice. Can I just say that I’m sure his posts aren’t directed toward my demographic, but I’ve learned a lot about hair and thoroughly everything he posts across all genre. Keep up the great work Robin!💕
Best Move
Robin is a hidden gem in the youtube/insta game. He has amazing reviews, original content and is so consistent. Robin supports individuality and believes in the "each to his own" mentality. His youtube videos and instagram posts are breaths of fresh air and, i can already tell, these podcasts are going to be the smiles that follow.
I love everything about Robin
I follow Robin on YouTube and his Instagram stories. I begin my mornings with him and now these Podcasts just made my life. His style is on point, his dry humour is excellent, and I am so excited that he has started this podcast. Thank you Robin! You put a smile on my face everyday... keep it up!!!
A history teacher
Ladies, Meet Your New Best Friend
I’m not a woman who likes to share, but I’m here to give you the joy that is Robin! If you’re not following him on YouTube and Instagram, go do that now. No really, right now. Go! I’ll wait. See! Didn’t that make you feel better? Robin is the real deal. He’s honest and actually cares about what you think. Plus, he knows his S&@$! I’m so happy that he’s started this podcast. I needed more Man For Himself and now I’ll have it here. Can’t wait to hear the next one, and the one after that, ...! Good job, Robin! We’ll be drinking in Flat White all winter long!
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