Fit For Life with Anjuli Podcast

Fit For Life with Anjuli

Anjuli Mack
Here you can expect all things life & fitness. Join Ross and I weekly as we chat all things fitness, nutrition, creating habits, mastering your mindset & living your best life - travel, relationships, business. Stay tuned for special guests I’ll be bringing on from all walks of life. Anjuli XO
Comp Prep Q&A: Self Doubt, Relationships & Support, Alcohol, Habits, Accuracy & More
Ross and I have both competed so I let you ask on Instagram what you wanted to know. Today we sat down to answer some of your questions with a little bit of chit chat and story time in between. Whether you want to lose fat, feel healthier, compete one day, build muscle - I can help you achieve your goals. Join my Ultimate Body Transformation Follow my comp prep on IG, TikTok & FB.
Mar 25, 2022
29 min
#44 Life Update: first podcast together in the new house!!
I have a confession to make.. we actually recorded this 2 weeks ago and I forgot to upload it! OOPS! Life has been busy with the launch of Anjuli Silk, comp prep, settling into our house and of course - coaching women all around the world with @FitWithAnjuli. However, we love doing these podcasts so please send us any questions or suggestions you have to [email protected] or Instagram @anjuli_fitforlife.  I would love to hear from you! Thanks for listening! Anjuli & Ross
Mar 10, 2022
10 min
#43 Motivation, Losing A Loved One, Grief, Alcohol & More with Brock Ashby
Brock and I met over 6 years ago (I said 4-5 years in the podcast - oops), it's been great to see his transformation from singing to fitness - helping people all around the world. Today was a really big conversation for us both, I originally said 25-30 mins to him but I think we could talk all day! I tried not to cry in this one but Brock's attitude toward life & handling tough times is inspirational. We covered everything from his journey of school sports to singing, reality TV (The Voice Australia & X-Factor), losing loved ones, grief, set backs, alcohol, mental health & so much more.  I hope that this podcast helps at least one person that listens to it. If you love it and want us to have another chat - please make sure you take a screenshot & share it on your Instagram stories tagging @BrockAshby & @Anjuli_FitForLife so we can see. Brock's Male 16 Week Transformation Guide  My YouTube, TikTok, FB, coaching. Thanks for tuning in!
Feb 14, 2022
55 min
#42 How To Develop & SLAY Your New Year Resolutions
How to create and achieve your new year resolutions in 2022! I know some people are negative about new year resolutions but I LOVE a fresh start! There's something special about a new year. Let's make this year the best yet & SLAY some goals. Join my Ultimate Body Transformation to take part in BetterMeKickstart5.0 at More details on BMK5.0 We are building a house - check out the first vlog here Follow my shred on IG, TikTok & FB.
Jan 7, 2022
17 min
#41 Wedding, Pregnancy, Confidence + MORE with Waioli
It was so amazing chatting with Waioli from the #AnjuliFitSquad all the way from Hawaii. It was very inspiring to hear how she has built her confidence up in the gym, invested in her mental & physical health, gotten pregnant and learned a lot about nutrition working with me. I started online coaching so that I could help more women around the world learn that you CAN eat foods that you love and get results, you CAN feel confident in your own skin, you CAN get results without endless amounts of cardio. Follow Waioli's journey on IG here. Thank you so much for sharing your journey and tips for others girl! We appreciate it. Start working with me at Follow me on IG, YouTube, TikTok & FB.
Dec 9, 2021
31 min
#40 Getting Back In The Gym After A Break or Lockdown
Today Ross & I speak about getting back into the gym after 107 days of lockdown here in New Zealand. We provide you with the most common mistakes when going back to the gym after a long break as well as some tips to make sure that you maximise your workout as you get back into the gym. I also touch on gym anxiety after lockdown. Hope this helps!! Work with me at
Dec 3, 2021
13 min
#39 Clickbait, Diversity, Willpower, Relationships & Regret + MUCH more with Rachel Hosie (Insider Reporter)
I LOVE chatting with Rachel, I feel like we are long lost soul sisters. Such an open chat about a massive variety of things, something for everyone. Starting the podcast with a conversation around the role of a journalist and the reason why many use 'clickbait' titles, why Rachel avoids it & how she aims to educate with the content she writes whilst still grabbing attention, our thoughts on the diverse range of models brands are using these days, social media reality VS IG posts.  We then took a different path and spoke about discipline, willpower, getting older, things she wish she knew, regret & more. This is totally unedited and the conversation was so great! I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please take a screenshot and share it on your story tagging @Rachel_hosie & @anjuli_fitforlife so we can repost you. Check out our first podcast together here. You can read Rachel's column here. For personalised meal & workout plans (home or gym available) sign up at and get started today.
Nov 11, 2021
44 min
#38 10 Ways To Boost Your Mood
Short & sweet podcast today. Lockdown is coming up to 12 weeks and it's sometimes a roller coaster but we actively do things to help boost our mood. What are some things you can do today to help boost your mood? Whether you're in a lockdown or not, it's normal to have some days that are less exciting than others. Some days you will feel down and that's okay, be kind to yourself. Make sure you reach out for help if you are really struggling. Anjuli & Ross Want to achieve your health & fitness goals? Start working with me today!
Nov 5, 2021
12 min
#37 Managing Your Expectations | Fitness Journey Chit Chat
So often people feel disappointed on their journeys because they haven't achieved what they wanted to, but what is actually required to achieve your goals? What is realistic to set as a goal for where you are right now? We wanted to keep it real with you! You can achieve your goals but it will require work. I hope this helps you! Thanks for tuning in! Anjuli & Ross Want to achieve your health & fitness goals? Start working with me today!
Oct 29, 2021
22 min
#36 Tips To Stop Comparison - Let's Talk!
I received a DM last week asking what to do if you can't stop comparing yourself to other people so I have came up with a big chat on all things comparison including 3 tips to help you actually stop comparing yourself to others. One of my favourite quotes is comparison is the thief of all joy. Stop comparing yourself to others, easier said than done especially with the world of social media being a highlight reel of fast cars, lean cores, big businesses, seemingly perfect relationships and the cutest new handbags or outfits. It really comes down to a perspective shift. I don’t look at people doing well as a challenge or competition, I look at them with them inspired by the fact that what they’ve accomplished is actually possible. Understand that there is a huge difference in energy and outcome between seeing other people’s success and using that vision to inspire you, versus beating yourself up because you’re not where they are. Mantra: “I am on the right track and on my own, unique path to building a life and career I love and am proud of. I am NOT behind. I’m exactly where I need to be, learning and growing all the time.” 5 ways to well being that Ross refers to is available here. I hope this helps you! Thanks for tuning in! Anjuli & Ross Want to achieve your health & fitness goals? Start working with me today!
Oct 15, 2021
17 min
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