#neuroscience #psilocybin #MDMA #depression #psychedelicmedicine
From NeuroBeer #4 - streamed live June 15, 2020.
Full conversation: https://youtu.be/yhxyuBLiLs8
Do you need to have a psychedelic trip to experience the beneficial therapeutic actions of psychedelics? How long does it take for psychedelic drugs like MDMA or magic mushrooms (psilocybin) to have therapeutic effects for depression or ptsd treatment? How long do these antidepressant actions of MDMA & psilocybin last? And How do these psychedelic drugs produce their beneficial effects in the brain to begin with? Serotonin receptors vs metabotropic glutamate receptors involved?
These highly anticipated results follow-up with patients treated with MDMA-assisted psychotherapy 1+ years after treatment to evaluate how long the benefits last for. These freshly published results are derived from six separate phase 2 clinical trials that were published June 3rd in the journal Psychopharmacology.
We're a group of Canadian neuroscientists reviewing the latest news, events and scholarly publications from this week in neuroscience and beyond! In each NeuroDrugs live stream we review classics in the field of addiction neuroscience, as well as newly published articles on a weekly basis.
In this clip we comment on the recent phase-2 follow up studies from the Multidisciplinary Association For Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). In September 2019 the first results from pooled analyses of 6 double blinded and randomized studies assessing MDMA for PTSD management entitled, "Breakthrough for Trauma Treatment: Safety and Efficacy of MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy Compared to Paroxetine and Sertraline".
More than 1 year has passed since the initial trials were completed, and in June 2020 the results from the 1+ year follow up study of these same individuals were reported. We explore these results and possible mechanisms underlying MDMA and psilocybin assisted psychotherapy for depression and ptsd.
open access article phase-2 follow up study: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-020-05548-2
Original Phase 2 pooled analysis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6751381/
Additional resources from MAPS: https://maps.org/research/mdma/ptsd/phase3
Join us for NeuroBeer every Monday (8pm EDT) & NeuroDrugs every Wednesday (9pm EDT) on YouTube for the largest interactive live streaming journal club & contribute to the conversation! Stay tuned to stay up to date with the latest in neuroscience / general science news!
A Production of First-Person Science
Please subscribe @ www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast if you enjoy our content, and share it with friend and platforms that might be interested! It goes a long way in helping us stamp out misinformation in neuroscience media!
Aug 4, 2020
12 min
Many medications are being tested to treat COVID-19, including brand new drugs designed specifically for COVID-19, such as vaccines, and others. But what if we already have the right tools to tackle covid? By understanding which human proteins the virus uses to enter our human cells, we can identify existing drugs to target these protein interactions, and design better ones, too.
This research project created a protein interaction map to target sigma receptors using old and new drugs already on the shelf. Dr. David Gordon, Associate Professor at the University of California San Francisco joins us to speak about the recent manuscript published in the journal Nature. An international effort by a team of over 120 scientists, they developed a protein interaction map showing that the virus can bind to at least 332 human proteins to enter our cells to spread infection.
The study demonstrates that 69 existing drugs (FDA approved or in pre-clinical development) harbor the structure and function needed to block COVID from infecting the cell, stop it's progression, or both.
Open access article link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2286-9
Find Dr. David Gordon twitter: @davidezragordon
SARS-COV-2 cadaver article published May 13, 2020 addendum: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2011400
Find Dr. David Gordon twitter: @davidezragordon SARS-COV-2 cadaver article published May 13, 2020 addendum: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2011400
Interested in how the brain works? Frustrated by hyped up media headlines? Science paywalls obstructing your ability to fact check? We've got you covered.
We're Making Neuroscience Accessible, & Bridging Gaps Between Scientists & The Public. Reviewing Neuroscience research papers ft. first-person perspectives & narratives from the scientists themselves.
A platform enabling collaboration between scientists & the public, alike. Cutting through the jargon & Demolishing barriers to science communication. Our 'Journal Club' video podcast give scientists a platform to control the scientific narrative & dispel the misinformation & fake news surrounding their science.
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Produced by Roger Hudson, PhDc,
Dr. Mina Nashed, PhD,
Dr. Stephen Daniels, PhD,
Dr. Paul Sheppard, PhD,
Nicole Buchner, BSc,
Music: MegaDisko by Navigator Black & the Indighost
Aug 4, 2020
50 min
#reconsolidation #PTSD #neuroscience #learning #memory
From NeuroBeer #4 - streamed live June 15, 2020.
Full conversation: https://youtu.be/yhxyuBLiLs8
In order to remember something, you must have learned it first. When something new is learned, the brain stores that information through a series of electro-chemical connections between neurons, known as a memory 'engram'. These 'neural engrams' allow for the recall of memories by triggering the re-activation of the same brain connections where the memory was stored. Many prominent theories of learning and memory in neuroscience suggest that when a memory is recalled, it is subject to modification - the strength of the memory can be increased or decreased depending on how much attention is devoted to the memory once it's recalled. So is it better to learn the first time? Or does one need to re-learn the same information repeatedly throughout life to ensure it doesn't vanish from memory? We cover memory engrams, evolutionary biology of memory, bible history and potential applications of reconsolidation to PTSD treatment.
We're a group of Canadian neuroscientists reviewing the latest news, events and scholarly publications from this week in neuroscience and beyond! In each NeuroDrugs live stream we review classics in the field of addiction neuroscience, as well as newly published articles on a weekly basis.
open access articles: https://www.cell.com/neuron/fulltext/S0896-6273(20)30354-8?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0896627320303548%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
& https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2680680/
Additional resources: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/06/200604152116.htm & https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/06/200605105359.htm
Join us for NeuroBeer every Monday (8pm EDT) & NeuroDrugs every Wednesday (9pm EDT) on YouTube for the largest interactive live streaming journal club & contribute to the conversation! Stay tuned to stay up to date with the latest in neuroscience / general science news!
A Production of First-Person Science
Please subscribe @ www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast if you enjoy our content, and share it with friend and platforms that might be interested! It goes a long way in helping us stamp out misinformation in neuroscience media!
Aug 4, 2020
11 min
From FPS NeuroBeer Live Stream #5 - June 22, 2020
Catch the full conversation here: https://youtu.be/yhxyuBLiLs8
The study we review in this NeuroBeer clip investigated dose-dependent distortions in the subjective experience of one’s self - often termed coloquially as 'Ego Death'. They defined ego dissolution as 'a phenomenon characterized by the reduction in the self-referential awareness that defines normal waking consciousness, ultimately disrupting self-world boundaries and increasing feelings of unity with others’ and one’s surroundings': https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-020-0718-8
Timothy Leary once used the term to describe the first phase of an LSD trip in particular where a "complete transcendence" of the self and 'the game'occurs:
We discuss a recently published manuscript exploring ego dissolution following psilocybin administration in a controlled setting. The authors claim this effect if mediated by glutamate in the cortex, but... well, you'll see.
Join us for NeuroBeer & contribute to the conversation LIVE every Monday (8pm EDT) & Wednesday (9pm EDT) on YouTube or Twitch. Join the conversation, questions posted on the DrugNers Discord Server (NeuroBeer-Live-Chat Channel) show up on screen live: https://discord.gg/EWzbNMc
A Production of First-Person Science
Please subscribe @ www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast if you enjoy our content, and share it with friend and platforms that might be interested! It goes a long way in helping us stamp out misinformation in neuroscience media!
Aug 4, 2020
15 min
#addiction #neuroscience #memory #wanting #liking #addictedbrain
From NeuroDrugs #2 - streamed live July 15, 2020.
Full conversation: https://youtu.be/X8_fSqM7AZI
How long does it take for the addicted brain to go back to normal, or when brain dopamine receptor levels take to return to baseline following addiction? As the saying goes, once an addict, always an addict, but is this true for the brain?
We're a group of Canadian neuroscientists reviewing the latest news, events and scholarly publications from this week in neuroscience and beyond! In each NeuroDrugs live stream we review classics in the field of addiction neuroscience, as well as newly published articles on a weekly basis.
In this clip we comment on the breakthrough neuroscience research article that began the 'wanting/liking' dichotomy that researchers are still investigating to this day. Titled "The neural basis of drug craving: An incentive-sensitization theory of addiction", Terry E. Robinson & Kent C. Berridge present a bio - psychological theory of drug addiction, the ‘Incentive-Sensitization Theory’.
The theory addresses three fundamental questions.
1) why do addicts crave drugs?
2) why does drug craving persist even after long periods of abstinence?
3) Whether 'wanting' drugs (drug craving) is attributable to ‘liking’ drugs (to the subjective pleasurable effects of drugs)? Or possibly due to external components altogether.
The incentive-sensitization theory of addiction posits the following.
1. Addictive drugs enhance dopamine transmission in brain reward regions
2. A major psychological function of this neural system is to attribute ‘incentive salience’ to the perception and mental representation of events associated with activation of the system (drug associated cues and stimuli).
3. In some individuals the repeated use of addictive drugs produces adaptations in this system, rendering it increasingly and perhaps permanently, hypersensitive (‘sensitized’) to drugs and drug-associated stimuli. This is ultimately a learning & memory based effect.
open access articles: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/016501739390013P
& https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352154617301948)
Join us for NeuroBeer every Monday (8pm EDT) & NeuroDrugs every Wednesday (9pm EDT) on YouTube for the largest interactive live streaming journal club & contribute to the conversation! Stay tuned to stay up to date with the latest in neuroscience / general science news!
A Production of First-Person Science
Please subscribe @ www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast if you enjoy our content, and share it with friend and platforms that might be interested! It goes a long way in helping us stamp out misinformation in neuroscience media!
Aug 4, 2020
8 min
#neuroscience #journalclub #sexdifferences
It's been proposed that studying male vs female changes in brain-behaviour interactions are vital for the progression of drug development in psychiatric disorders. Indeed, these differences are abundant in neuroscience research, so much so that the NIH has mandated that all new grant proposals must measure differences between males vs females. But are these mandates really necessary?
We discuss the pros vs cons of including males and females in neuroscience experiments. What is the depth of these differences? Are male vs female comparisons necessary for neuroscience to progress?
Open access articles:
Additional resources: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00677-x
Join us for NeuroBeer every Monday (8pm EDT) & NeuroDrugs every Wednesday (9pm EDT) on YouTube for the largest interactive live streaming journal club & contribute to the conversation! Stay tuned to stay up to date with the latest in neuroscience / general science news!
A Production of First-Person Science
Please subscribe @ www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast if you enjoy our content, and share it with friend and platforms that might be interested! It goes a long way in helping us stamp out misinformation in neuroscience media!
Aug 4, 2020
2 hr 9 min
#addiction #depression #ketamine #schizophrenia #legalize #cannabis #dopamine #neuroscience #NeuroBeer #live
We're live tonight at 8pm to chat about recent neuroscience publications painting cannabis legalization as a gateway to increased rates of psychosis and schizophrenia. We'll also discuss whether ketamine should be treated as a final frontier of depression treatment.
There is much that remains to be known about our understanding of ketamine’s antidepressant properties; and although the arrival of esketamine has been received with great enthusiasm, it is now more important than ever that its mechanisms of action be fully delineated, and both the short- and long-term neurobiological/functional consequences of its treatment be thoroughly characterized.
links to articles: https://jamanetwork-com.proxy1.lib.uwo.ca/journals/jamapsychiatry/article-abstract/2763798
We're 4 Canadian neuroscientists reviewing the latest news, events and scholarly publications from neuroscience in our weekly NeuroBeer live stream!
Join us for virtual journal club-esque conversations, & contribute to the discussion with comments, suggestions, recommendations and beyond! We hold NeuroBeer every Monday (8pm EDT) & NeuroDrugs every Wednesday (9pm EDT) on YouTube. Stay tuned and subscribe for more content, and to stay up to date with the latest in neuroscience news
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Interested in Neuroscience research? Frustrated by hyped up media headlines? Science paywalls obstructing your ability to fact check? We've got you covered. Our 'Journal Club' video podcast give scientists a platform to control the scientific narrative & dispel the misinformation & fake news surrounding their science.
Reviewing Neuroscience research papers ft. first-person perspectives & narratives from the scientists themselves. A platform enabling collaboration between scientists & the public, alike. Cutting through the jargon & Demolishing barriers to science communication.
Support our goal of improving science communication by subscribing, following & sharing our videos with your friends & social media.
Subscribe on YouTube & follow along w/ point-by-point visuals and graphs from the research paper: www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast?sub_confirmation=1
Intro music by Navigator Black & The Indighost
A Production of First-Person Science
subscribe @ www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast
Aug 4, 2020
1 hr 47 min
#cannabidiol #CBD #cannabis #covid19 #elsevier #publishorperish #neuroscience #NeuroBeer
Leave a comment to join the conversation and guide the discussion!
Interested in Neuroscience research? Frustrated by hyped up media headlines? Science paywalls obstructing your ability to fact check? We've got you covered. Our 'Journal Club' video podcast give scientists a platform to control the scientific narrative & dispel the misinformation & fake news surrounding their science.
Reviewing Neuroscience research papers ft. first-person perspectives & narratives from the scientists themselves. A platform enabling collaboration between scientists & the public, alike. Cutting through the jargon & Demolishing barriers to science communication.
Support our goal of improving science communication by subscribing, following & sharing our videos with your friends & social media.
Subscribe on YouTube & follow along w/ point-by-point visuals and graphs from the research paper: www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast?sub_confirmation=1
Intro music by Navigator Black & The Indighost
A Production of First-Person Science
subscribe @ www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast
Aug 4, 2020
1 hr 10 min
#cannabis #brain #neuroscience #mentalhealth
We're live at *8:30PM* tonight to discuss exciting new research on changes in brain connectivity following cannabis use: https://neurosciencenews.com/cannabis-brain-connectivity-16606/
and to debate why truly novel drugs for mental health disorders haven't emerged in 50+ years.
Join the DrugNerds discord server: https://discord.gg/pQBY9jj for comments to display live onscreen and to contribute to the conversation live!
NeuroBeer Live Stream by the First-Person Science Crew:
Monday's 8pm EDT, Wednesday's 9pm EDT
Interested in Neuroscience research? Frustrated by hyped up media headlines? Science paywalls obstructing your ability to fact check? We've got you covered. Our 'Journal Club' video podcast give scientists a platform to control the scientific narrative & dispel the misinformation & fake news surrounding their science.
Reviewing Neuroscience research papers ft. first-person perspectives & narratives from the scientists themselves. A platform enabling collaboration between scientists & the public, alike. Cutting through the jargon & Demolishing barriers to science communication.
Support our goal of improving science communication by subscribing, following & sharing our videos with your friends & social media.
Subscribe on YouTube & follow along w/ point-by-point visuals and graphs from the research paper: www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast?sub_confirmation=1
Intro music by Navigator Black & The Indighost
A Production of First-Person Science
subscribe @ www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast
Aug 4, 2020
1 hr 52 min
#LSD #psychosis #cannabis #addiction #psychedelics #glutamate #neuroscience #serotonin
We're Live to discuss and debate some of the latest developments that have damaged the reputations of science and scientists!
Join the DrugNerds discord server: https://discord.gg/pQBY9jj for comments to display live onscreen and to contribute to the conversation live!
NeuroBeer Live Stream by the First-Person Science Crew: Monday's 8pm EST
Interested in Neuroscience research? Frustrated by hyped up media headlines? Science paywalls obstructing your ability to fact check? We've got you covered. Our 'Journal Club' video podcast give scientists a platform to control the scientific narrative & dispel the misinformation & fake news surrounding their science.
Reviewing Neuroscience research papers ft. first-person perspectives & narratives from the scientists themselves. A platform enabling collaboration between scientists & the public, alike. Cutting through the jargon & Demolishing barriers to science communication.
Support our goal of improving science communication by subscribing, following & sharing our videos with your friends & social media.
Subscribe on YouTube & follow along w/ point-by-point visuals and graphs from the research paper: www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast?sub_confirmation=1
A Production of First-Person Science
subscribe @ www.youtube.com/firstpersonsciencepodcast
Aug 4, 2020
1 hr 46 min
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