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Gaining Access to Prescription Labels through the Lens of a Blind Person - episode of Finding Hope podcast

Gaining Access to Prescription Labels through the Lens of a Blind Person

31 minutes Posted Oct 11, 2021 at 7:08 pm.
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October is Medication Safety Awareness for the Blind Month. 

Studies show that about 25% of the blind community are homeless. Many of us are born with impaired vision or develop vision issues at some point in our lives. For those of us who don’t have 20/20 vision, we’ve all had that bad day where our glasses cracked; where perhaps our contact lens fell out, or we lost a vital vision aid and had to make do without it for a short time.

It can be extremely difficult to function with blurred vision. When our vision isn’t clear, mundane tasks like sending an email or cooking meals are much more difficult. But there’s a drastic difference between a day at work without your glasses and a life on the street with hindered vision

In this episode you will meet Jenna Reed from En-Vision America.  Founded in 1996, the cornerstone of En-Vision America is based on one single premise: to provide those with vision impairment equal access and greater independence through technology. 

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