Finding Family Purpose: Bring Hope Home Podcast

Finding Family Purpose: Bring Hope Home

Pott-Lincoln Baptist Association
This exciting series will provide quality interviews from the Pott-Lincoln Baptist Association, that will strengthen families, marriages, parenting, and lives.
PBLA Live Podcast - Jeremiah House
Mike Bateman from Jeremiah House talks about recovery during the PBLA live podcast.
Mar 25, 2023
17 min
Conflict at Home
The conversation today focuses on how conflict develops in a marital relationship and how listeners can deal with that.  Show notes: 0:00:12 Heading: Finding Family Purpose Podcast: Bringing Hope Home with Dr. Larry Roberts 0:02:51 Interview with Larry Roberts, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist 0:07:49 Heading: Exploring Conflict in Marital Relationships: A Conversation with Larry and [Name] 0:10:11 Conversation Summary: Adam's Task of Naming the Animals 0:12:13 Conversation Summary: Exploring the Significance of Adam Being Created Alone 0:18:26 Heading: Exploring the Creation of Adam and Eve and Its Implications for Intimacy 0:20:21 Conversation on God's Design for Humanity and Marriage Relationships 0:22:50 Heading: The Importance of Connection and Intimacy in Marriage 0:25:46 Heading: Understanding Intimacy and Conflict in Marriage 0:28:43 Conversation on the Source of Conflict in Marriage Counseling 0:30:54 Conversation on God's Design for Intimacy in Relationships 0:36:26 Heading: Understanding the Cries of the Lonely in Marriage Relationships 0:38:50 Conversation on Navigating Conflict in Marriage 0:40:51 Exploring the Cycle of Stress in Relationships: An Example 0:42:40 Exploring the Cycle of Disconnection in Relationships 0:46:25 Heading: Taking a Risk to Reconnect: Understanding and Sharing Emotions in Marriage Counseling 0:48:10 Heading: Navigating Conflict in Marriage Through Vulnerability 0:50:10 Conversation on Responding to Vulnerability in Marriage 0:55:33 Conversation on Understanding One Another 0:57:15 Conversation on Understanding Each Other in a Marriage 1:02:24 Conversation on Taking a Risk and Understanding Each Other 1:03:54 Conversation on Intimacy in Marriage 1:05:54 "Achieving Intimacy in Marriage: Principles for Relating to Each Other" 1:11:48 Conversation on the Foundations of a Healthy Marriage 1:13:37 Heading: "The Power of Connection in Marriage: A Conversation with [Name]" 1:15:37 Interview with Larry Wilder: Bringing Hope Home Through Marriage
Mar 9, 2023
1 hr 18 min
Youth Culture
Understanding youth can be difficult, Join Phil Dietz and Courtland Clark as Phil describes youth culture and the role of parents in the youth ministry.  Show notes: 4:30 Being a Youth Minister 10:00 LIFE 17:35 Incorporate 21:35 Feed 31:00 Equip 36:44 Gifts 41:40 Role of parents Resources: Authority and Power Phil Dietz - Courtland Clark -
Mar 5, 2023
54 min
Chuck Robinson is a substance abuse expert with wide-ranging qualifications and experience. He joins the Finding Family Purpose podcast to discuss his understanding of addiction. Robinson's definition is simple - it’s when someone uses an external thing such as a substance, person, or thing to change the way they feel. He also believes that mental health issues have become more clinically obvious due to isolation associated with COVID-19, as well as marijuana legalization in Oklahoma.  01:43 Intro 06:03 Mental health issues highlighted by isolation. 16:00 Recovery is contagious and possible. 19:02 Overcome generational issues with Christ. 27:38 Seek wise counsel for help. 37:05 Christians: be non-judgmental. 50:33 Change problematic sin to grace. 51:13 Share podcast with others. References: "Loving the Addict in Your Pew" - Charles Robinson
Mar 5, 2023
46 min
Technology and the Glory of God
Jared Landreth is the creative, arts and worship minister at Immanuel Baptist Church in Shawnee, Oklahoma. He is passionate about connecting the message with media to the audience, and has extensive experience with technology, music ministry, and media production. In this episode, you will learn the following: 1. How can media be used to effectively communicate the Gospel in a media-saturated culture? 2. What are some practical approaches for parents to guide their children's use of technology? 3. How can churches better equip their members to use media in a meaningful way? 02:12 Intro 07:59 Effective use of media 10:28 How can small churches start a media ministry 14:04 How can media be used in the home to disciple children? 19:23 How can a parent manage the role of Media in the home? 26:54 Pastors and current generations 29:56 Exposure to social media 41:26 Discipleship Resources: Jared Landreth "Family Discipleship: Leading your family through Time Moments and Milestones"by Matt Chandler & Adam Griffin, Crossway, Wheaton, Illinois. (password: Faithathome)
Mar 5, 2023
49 min
Sexual Identity
Courtland and Dr. James Wilder are back in the Finding Family Purpose podcast studio. They are thrilled to welcome Dr. Brian Camp and Dr. Alan Bandy, who are talking about church and human sexuality and how to have healthy conversations about it. They emphasize the importance of using healthy biblical language, rather than connecting biology to morality, realizing that sexuality is always tied to morality. 0:00  Intro  04:28 How do we address human sexuality in the church? 06:12 Use biblical language. 15:05 Name things accurately. 20:03 Train your dragon of sexuality. 30:04 Talk openly about sexuality. 32:22 Reclaim language for healing. 43:36 God's grace is abundant. 51:06 God redeems all sin. 59:40 Create a safe, supportive community. 1:06:34 Live with healthy sexuality. References: Dr. Alan Bandy Dr. Brian Camp "Openness Unhindered" - Rosaria Butterfield "Pure" - Linda Kline Janelle Paris "Mere Sexuality" - Todd Wilson "Divine Sex" - Jonathan Grant "Washed and Waiting"-Wesley Hill
Mar 5, 2023
1 hr 1 min
Prone to Wander
In this episode of the Finding Family Purpose Podcast: Bring Hope Home, special guest Dr. Mario Melendez talks about deconstruction, losing a generation, and how to work on that, both in our ministries, in our churches, in our families, and in our individual lives. 01:06 Intro 02:07 What is deconstruction 09:45 Deconstruction caused by hurt 13:55 Generations 22:28 Unrooted 26:47 Family encouragement 35:08 Final thoughts References: Dr. Mario Melendez "Radical" - David Platt
Mar 5, 2023
42 min
Parenting & Discipleship
Shawn Crawley and Dr. Chris Shirley discuss how to incorporate discipleship into parenting.  Don't miss this great show! Parenting and Discipleship  0:00 Intro  2:05 Interview Starts 6:50 Four Corners approach to discipleship  7:34 1st corner family  8:46 2nd corner church  11:10 Partnership  12:45 3rd corner discipleship  13:28 4th corner ministry  14:40 Parenting  30:50 Prioritization     References:  Dr. Chris Shirley "Family Ministry and The Church" Dr. Chris Shirley     "Limited Church: Unlimited Kingdom" Rob Rienow "The Legacy Path: Discover Intentional Spiritual Parenting" Brian Haynes     Richard Ross, PhD 
Mar 5, 2023
40 min
Finding Family Purpose: Bring Hope Home - Season 1 Promotion
Follow this exciting new podcast from Pott-Lincoln Baptist Association! Enjoy this trailer and come back for weekly updates
Mar 5, 2023
7 min
Parenting and Discipleship
Shawn Crawley and Dr. Chris Shirley discuss how to incorporate discipleship into parenting.  Don't miss this great show! Parenting and Discipleship  0:00 Intro  2:05 Interview Starts 6:50 Four Corners approach to discipleship  7:34 1st corner family  8:46 2nd corner church  11:10 Partnership  12:45 3rd corner discipleship  13:28 4th corner ministry  14:40 Parenting  30:50 Prioritization     References:  Dr. Chris Shirley "Family Ministry and The Church" Dr. Chris Shirley     "Limited Church: Unlimited Kingdom" Rob Rienow "The Legacy Path: Discover Intentional Spiritual Parenting" Brian Haynes     Richard Ross, PhD 
Oct 13, 2022
40 min
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