Figure It Out As You Go Podcast

Figure It Out As You Go

Yakir Hyman
A show about the practice of living an existence you recognize because the alternative doesn't work.
The Business Bubble: Are You a Manager or Man-AGER?
Welcome to The Business Bubble! This is a special series brought to you by the FIOAYG network that will address all questions, thoughts, concerns, and takeaways from the world of business through the lens of my experience in the professional world over the past 11 years.Today we discuss MIDDLE-MANAGEMENT! Yes, you heard us correctly, we're going to talk about the responsibilities that managers should understand they have vis a vis their teams and whether they choose to be Managers or Man-AGERS, or Woman-agers :)In today's episode you'll learn:Why we shouldn't be SO quick to go back to "normal" after coronavirus.What it means to manage PEOPLE, not cogs or workers (the industrial age is long-gone, homie).How to make sure you're serving the people you manage - make sure you're being  a Manager, not a Man-AGER!That being said, we also discuss the brutal accountability employees need to recognize in order to grow and be happy - in their jobs and in life!Why it's a good thing the the feminine energy is rising in the world and integrating into business.
May 26, 2020
18 min
3 Top Reasons Why Little Johnny Buckman is Simply the BEST!
This is a very special episode indeed! I'm so excited to share my first piece of fan mail that came in from Little Johnny Buckman who hails from Teenytinytonamaku, Azerbaijan! I know, I'm just as suprised as you are that someone took the time to write, let alone SEND a piece of snail fan mail in 2020... but alas, I'll take it as a testament  to the quality content we're putting out here at the FIOAYG Network ;) ... it's why we do what we do here.Anyhoodle...In this episode you'll learn:Why we need to be ourselves in a world that wants to quell our quirksWhat my first piece of fan mail says! (from Little Johnny Buckman Teenytinytonamaku, Azerbaijan)Why we should write letters to ourselves and tell ourselves we're coolSome meditations I like to do, including incorrect breathing guidance and bringing beautiful divine universal light in through  your head, into your body, down through your feet, into the earth, and back up into the sky, sending the light and love to all those you love and all those you haven't even met yet...
May 26, 2020
16 min
I'm Not So Ready for Quarantine to be Over
Coronavirus restrictions are easing in Israel... and I'm not so ready to get back to the "regularly scheduled program"...I've enjoyed this time with my family, with my kids, and getting to know them.Am I the only one who isn't ready for quarantine to be over?In this episode you'll learn:My family ties to the Navajo nationThe semantic power of the word "life"Why business is a spiritual practiceWhy making custom t-shirts is also a spiritual practiceMy #1 tip for curing insomnia
May 12, 2020
29 min
From Voices in My Head to PG Swear Words, This is My Creed
I have a voice in my head that tells me to do things. The rest is commentary.In this episode you'll learn:Why your show doesn't have to be about anythingWhy marketing is poopy sometimes, especially when talking into a microphone is cheaper than therapyPG swear words we use in my houseHow I graduated High School when I was 16Why I love my kindergarten teacher to this day 
May 4, 2020
20 min