How do we become more receptive and responsive to the work of the Spirit within our lives? In her first novel, Sensible Shoes, from the series of the same name, Sharon Garlough Brown takes her characters on a journey of practicing various spiritual disciplines. In this episode, I talk to author Sharon Garlough Brown about the spiritual disciplines of lament and confession within the Ignatian Examen. The spiritual practice is one of attentiveness that enables our receptivity by reviewing our d...
Mar 18, 2024
30 min

How do we overcome vices that the world teaches us to idolize? In her first novel, Sensible Shoes, from the series of the same name, Sharon Garlough Brown takes the reader through the growth journey of four characters, whose lives become interwoven throughout the novel as they embark on a sacred journey with God and each other. In this episode, I talk with author Sharon Garlough Brown about her novel, where we discuss the spiritual formation of Hannah and Charissa, two of the four main charac...
Mar 4, 2024
35 min

How can reading be a spiritual practice, and why is reading Kristin Lavransdatter a good choice for this practice? Learn more on this episode, where Dr. Jessica Hooten Wilson and I continue our discussion on Kristin Lavransdatter in the trilogy Kristin Lavransdatter and how reading about her spiritual journey affords us an opportunity to study and come to terms with our own.
Jan 22, 2024
15 min

At the end of your life, how would you feel if God had nearly always allowed you to follow your will? In the womb-to-tomb trilogy Kristin Lavransdatter, Kristin has this experience, which for her is one of sorrow that ultimately leads her to surrender. In this episode, I talk with professor and author Dr. Jessica Hooten Wilson about Kristin’s spiritual journey over a lifetime.
Jan 8, 2024
33 min

How can taking inventory of our spiritual life help us regard the character flaws of others with sensitivity and forgiveness? Learn more on this episode, where we discuss how Jane Eyre’s suffering affords her an introspection that helps shape her thoughts and actions. There are practices we can do to aid our spiritual introspection that will help cultivate the fruits of compassion and forgiveness in our lives like it did in Jane's life.
Dec 18, 2023
33 min

If you grew up unloved and unwanted, how difficult would it be to show love, grace, and forgiveness to those who don’t reciprocate? Jane, in the book Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, shows us how.
Dec 4, 2023
49 min

What can the unspeakable horrors of a concentration camp teach us about theodicy? Learn more on this episode where guest A. S. (“Pete”) Peterson, author, artistic director of Rabbit Room Theatre, and producer at Lamb & Flag Studios, and host Kristy Lahoda discuss The Hiding Place and Betsie and Corrie ten Booms’ responses to the unspeakable evil they experienced at the Ravensbrück concentration camp and how they, as part of the cloud of witnesses, testify with gratitude to the goodness an...
Nov 13, 2023
20 min

What if you were called to retell someone’s harrowing, God-soaked story? On this episode, learn how A. S. (“Pete”) Peterson, author and playwright, artistic director of Rabbit Room Theatre, and producer at Lamb & Flag Studios, was called to do just that. Pete and host Kristy Lahoda discuss the breadcrumb trail that led to his play adaptation turned cinematic stage production of Corrie ten Boom’s The Hiding Place.
Oct 30, 2023
27 min

Despite overwhelming need, why was the most important work in all of human history done without hurry? Learn more on this episode, where Dr. Chris Hall, recently retired Renovaré president and former Director of Academic Spiritual Formation and Distinguished Professor of Theology at Eastern University, and host Kristy Lahoda discuss Marge Gunderson, in the film Fargo, directed and produced by the Coen brothers. Marge, far from being naïve, is deliberate in her simplistic lifestyle, which allo...
Mar 20, 2023
19 min

What can film noir teach us about the Biblical theme of light? Learn more on this episode, where Dr. Chris Hall, recently retired Renovaré president and former Director of Academic Spiritual Formation and Distinguished Professor of Theology at Eastern University, and host Kristy Lahoda discuss police chief Marge Gunderson in the film Fargo, directed and produced by the Coen brothers. Marge’s home life is one of stability that carries over into how she conducts her investigations, allowing her...
Mar 6, 2023
41 min
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