Ferro Acuitur Podcast

Ferro Acuitur

Adrianne Petras
.|As Iron Sharpens|.All things Jesus and life with a focus on women’s ministry.
Where Is Your Light?
Have you ever gone camping and thought bringing a flashlight wasn't necessary? You yourself were able to fabricate the light needed to navigate your way through the dark.Highly doubtful. You need something other than yourself to shine and not only guide you, but perhaps maybe assist others alongside you that don't have one.I hope todays podcast encourages you to let the light of Christ shine in your life all the more. There is "a world outside your window" (as a song famously puts it) that needs to see the light of Christ. There is hope. Joy and peace in the midst of ciaos...His name is Jesus.Be blessed friends.You can contact me at --Instagram: ferro.acuitur (my personal: adrianneraquel)Email: [email protected]
Oct 18, 2021
31 min
An Open Letter To My Younger Self
Have you ever had experiences that at times you think, goodness I would liked to have learned that sooner...I wanted to share an open letter to "my younger self" but mores so hope it encourages anyone that listens to think beyond what may be ahead of you yet look back at what God brought you out of.As you listen to this short open letter to myself, I hope it stirs you to recall the countless things that God has done and provided you with. With hopeful expectation, wait on the Lord and trust in His unchanging promises for the future.In all seasons of life, whether easy or difficult, allow the Lord to use it to maybe even impact someone else.Be blessedAPYou can contact me at --Instagram: ferro.acuitur (my personal: adrianneraquel)Email: [email protected]
Sep 16, 2021
5 min
What's His Name?
Have you ever tried a dessert that was amazing and yet hard to describe because it was so complex? It was sweet but salty. Balanced yet complex...While we know our God is a Judge, He is also our Mediator. He disciplines and yet He loves us with a perfect love. Let this episode be an encouragement that while there is so much to God, praise be to Him for He doesn't change. Be blessedYou can contact me at --Instagram: ferro.acuitur (my personal: adrianneraquel)Email: [email protected]
Sep 7, 2021
1 hr
A Godly Gal (Part 2)
The well known Bible verse found in the book of Psalms comes to mind: "For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wondrously made."Each and every one of us are fearfully and wonderfully made. The body type you have. Your "quirks". If you tend be more timid or as "loud as a bell" if you will. With being different women, what does godliness really look like? Is it always quiet and reserved? Or is it bold and strength (varying kinds)?Today I'm joined by Sefora Boscancu as we sit down and have an open dialogue on some of the facets of a godly women. This isn't an end all be all list, but I hope this encourages you to press deeper into Christ. To be who God created you to be. If He made you, it was for a purpose and may this encourage you to press into Him through the Word, prayer and seeking Him.Be blessedYou can contact me at --Instagram: ferro.acuitur (my personal: adrianneraquel)Email: [email protected]
Aug 31, 2021
1 hr 8 min
A Godly Gal (Part 1)
The well known Bible verse found in the book of Psalms comes to mind: "For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wondrously made."Each and every one of us are fearfully and wonderfully made. The body type you have. Your "quirks". If you tend be more timid or as "loud as a bell" if you will. With being different women, what does godliness really look like? Is it always quiet and reserved? Or is it bold and strength (varying kinds)?In this episode, I'm joined by Sefora Boscancu as we sit down and have an open dialogue on some of the facets of a godly women. This isn't an end all be all list, but I hope this encourages you to press deeper into Christ. To be who God created you to be. If He made you, it was for a purpose and may this encourage you to press into Him through the Word, prayer and seeking Him.Be blessedYou can contact me at --Instagram: ferro.acuitur (my personal: adrianneraquel)Email: [email protected]
Aug 25, 2021
57 min
I Gotta Workout
Do you even workout? Today's podcast is an extension of a previous podcast, "Do You Even Workout" and how we have a need to work on our inner man.We are called to grow and go to maturity. While serving the Lord, we will certainly go through tough situation or what may feel like rainy seasons. Tropical Caius - level 10 anyone? But, as the Bible tells us, even in the pit where we didn't choose our situation, let's allow God use us and to decide, nonetheless, "I will follow you God".May this be an encouragement to you and if you found this beneficial, please share it with a friend.Be blessedYou can contact me at --Instagram: ferro.acuitur (my personal: adrianneraquel)Email: [email protected]
Aug 5, 2021
59 min
Where's My Rib At?!
Picture this: you're waiting in line for a ride at an amusement park. You've seen what the ride could  be like, your friends who have done it before you tell you to do it and so you choose to get in line. As you're waiting, you think to yourself, "Hmm...I wonder what it's going to be like. Will I panic? Will I be excited?! Will it be both? .... I wonder what its really going to be like."Welcome back everyone! In today's podcast, I'm excited to sit down and talk to Rony and Kcristell Cardoza as they share  their dating and marriage experience while serving the Lord in it all. This is one of my favorite podcast's thus far recorded and I hope it encourages you as it encouraged me.If it was helpful to you, share it with a friend and if you're on Apple Podcasts, please rate as it helps with exposure. Be blessed!You can contact me at --Instagram: ferro.acuitur (my personal: adrianneraquel)Email: [email protected]
Jul 14, 2021
50 min
What Is Your Source?
My friend posed this statement in our "Single Like A Pringle" podcast, "___xyz_____happened because  Jesus wasn't my source of everything" so today I ask you as I have asked myself, "what is your source?"When you have exciting news to share, who is the first person you want to tell and be honest. Who is it? When you need advice on a decision to make...who is that one person that you think, "Ah, them!"In today podcast, I share a few things that can happen when the Lord isn't your source and lastly, what to do to change it if you find yourself in one, if not some.The answer is always the same: JESUS. Go to JESUS. In the joys, tears or fears...go to Jesus.You can contact me at --Instagram: ferro.acuitur (my personal: adrianneraquel)Email: [email protected]
Jul 1, 2021
32 min
Would You Look At That
Have you ever gone to the gym and happen to see someone and think to yourself, "wow, that's not me". Whether they were much stronger than you or perhaps maybe weaker?Have you ever compared yourself to another person and just thought within your heart, "how can they be like that?! Goodness, that's not me. I'm [ x  y  z ]". In today's podcast, I wanted to share some thoughts I've been thinking about. We aren't called to compare ourselves with others or go so far as to tear one another down, but to walk humbly before our God and additionally, to see what is in our heart. Are we critical of others? Do we puff ourselves up because we think of ourselves as stronger?May the Lord Jesus help us to be His humble children, remembering that we are to look to the Word and Him for our measure of how "we are" and to also love others."For the Word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.No creature is hidden from him, but all things are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account." --Hebrews 4:12-13You can contact me at --Instagram: ferro.acuitur (my personal: adrianneraquel)Email: [email protected]
May 25, 2021
28 min
It's Worth The Fight
 o·be·di·ence : compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.In today's podcast, I just wanted to share a few thoughts that were on my mind this past week and hope it encourages you to come to the end of yourself and just obey the Lord.  1 Samuel 15: 22-23 -- "Then Samuel said" 'Does the Lord take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? Look: to obey is better than sacrifice, to pay attention is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and defiance is like wickedness and idolatry.'" If someone comes to mind as you're listening to this, feel free to share and may God bless you.You can contact me at --Instagram: ferro.acuitur (my personal: adrianneraquel)Email: [email protected]
May 11, 2021
26 min
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