On this week's episode we talk about how JRR Tolkein made smoking look cool and other unintended consequences of literature. We take a look at the latest news from Pat. We talk about the hype surrounding the kinda-sorta announcement of a book 4. 'Bino tries to guess the working title of book 7. And Owen shares a recipie for Scrael Soup you can thow together in 20 min and leave overnight in the slow cooker.
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Feb 20, 2021
39 min

Owen and Gambino contemplate their impending doom. Owen takes us through some of the ins and outs of the Kingkiller Chronicle television series and film development. And 'Bino has some tips on how to get the smell of rotting flowers and burning hair out of your cloak.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/fellingnightlive/message
Oct 15, 2020
1 hr 5 min

In our inaugural episode we talk about the latest kerfuffle involving some things Pat’s Editor said on Facebook. Owen speaks at length about Das Kapital. Cealdish Gambino discusses how he heard about the series. Owen goes over the series of the One Shot Podcast where Pat and some others play an RPG set in Temerant. Cealdish Gambino sings Tinker Tanner. And Owen repeatedly says “We should do a whole episode on that”
In the world of Temerant, Felling is the eighth day of the eleven day week called a span. Felling is kinda like a Thursday, and nobody can get the hang of those.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/fellingnightlive/message
Sep 3, 2020
59 min

We plan on releasing episodes on Thurdays. Here is a little something Owen slapped together for you to tide you over.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/fellingnightlive/message
Sep 2, 2020
30 sec