The world needs more entrepreneurs but where do kids learn how to become one. In this short mini-episode I unpack my 4 rules for breeding futurepreneurs or like I like to call them kidpreneurs. Enjoy!
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Sep 21, 2021
6 min
The human brain is wired to notice danger 6x more than good news. This primitive wiring is not well suited to the digital world we all live in. Let’s unpack fear…
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Sep 9, 2021
4 min
Sales gets a bad rap but it is one of the most valuable business skill,
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Sep 8, 2021
3 min
Life is one big storm. With fronts of challenges and periods of calm in the eye of the storm. Rest in the eye of the storm and frame the storm front of challenges with one of opportunities.
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Sep 7, 2021
2 min
Guest Sunil Godse Founder & CEO of
After making a series of bad decisions, with one leading to a friend being shot and killed, Sunil Godse spent thousands of hours on research and interviews to find out that the reason we waste time making bad decisions is because we ignore our intuition, a subconscious phenomenon that we are all born with that helps us make the right decision at the right time in any situation we find ourselves in.
Sunil developed a seven step process that shows you how to sharpen your intuition so that the only decisions you make are the right ones in any situation that move your life forward.
We explore Intuition and how to apply it in your own life.
The Seven-day Intuition challenge here:
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Feb 13, 2021
47 min
In business a lot of thought and structure has been attributed to Tangible Assets that can be measured and accounted for in an asset registry or Balance Sheet. However the real value in a business and life lies in the value of your Intangible assets such as Brand, Culture, Trust in business and Freedom of Time in life.
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Nov 8, 2020
3 min
Places like people have an amazing quality to remind you of memories and positive emotions those places have had in your life and the life of your family. Be intentional with building up places that you enjoy with the people you love to share them with. Hack: Look at where your Panoramic photos were taken.
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Aug 12, 2020
5 min
As a 14 year entrepreneur and start-up and scale-up tech advisor to high growth founders. I have noticed that Timing is one of the most important skills to learn, especially in high innovation technology spaces. Patience and persistence is a key skill to hone in your own life as the universe metaphysically or serendipitously keeps on recycling and presenting opportunities.
Life is not 1 chapter, it's a book and we never really know the sequence of the chapters until they get written for us.
Be open to these opportunities and never give up on dreams, goals, projects that is highly aligned with your personal purpose or persistent problem that still frustrates you.
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Jul 30, 2020
5 min
If you are a parent and had a period of lock-down in your country. You would have felt the angst of schooling your kids at home. This period has made me appreciate teachers and coaches more and got me thinking about a supplementary model for education where the parents have access to the world's best educators.
On a personal/parent basis, I've also noticed the medium of education needs to fit the audience i.e. audio after a day of video and that you need to be mindful about the type of content you consumer and what could be the outcome of that consumption long-term.
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Jul 30, 2020
5 min
1000 pull-ups in a week. The idea seems impossible till you break it down into small parts.
ie. 10 pull-ups every 30 minutes for 10 hours for 5 days.
Or slightly easier, 2 sets of 12 squats, 3 times a day for 7 days, is over 500 reps.
You just needs discipline, a plan and to start the first exercise. After 2-weeks it will be a new healthy habit.
Much is the case of learning a new language, you can listen to 30 minute episodes during your dead time like a commute. After a few months you should be conversationally ready.
The key is to keep challenging yourself, ensure you have accountability and a carrot or stick at the end.
Try it!
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Jun 19, 2020
4 min
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