Family Goals with David Pollack and Pastor J Podcast

Family Goals with David Pollack and Pastor J

Graystone Church
David Pollack, former College GameDay Analyst, and Jonathan Howes, Lead Pastor of Graystone Church, talk about all things God, Family, Marriage, and Sports. Dive in for wisdom, encouragement, fun, and laughter.
68: Secrets to a Long Healthy Marriage
In this episode, David and Pastor J talk through lessons they have learned through their marriages. Whether you have been married a long time, are newly married, or want to be married one day, this is for you. We hope you learn from this episode and seek to strengthen your marriage and relationships.  This episode is sponsored by Compassion International. For more information or to sponsor a child, go to
Jun 5, 2023
40 min
67: How To Be Incredible
In this episode, David and Pastor J continue talking about becoming credible through the Beatitudes that Jesus teaches us in Matthew 5. What does it look like for you to pray for others, to show mercy, to stand beside people? "If you want to be incredible, you first have to be credible." We hope you enjoy! This episode is sponsored by Compassion International. For more information or to sponsor a child, go to
May 29, 2023
41 min
66: Building Character When No One is Watching
In this episode, you will hear about our new sponsor, Compassion International, why we love them, and their mission to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. We'll recap the Pollack Family Foundation Celebrity Golf Tournament, and then David and Pastor J talk through becoming credible, trustworthy, and building character when no one is watching. Think about it: "If you want to be incredible, you first have to be credible." We hope you enjoy! This episode is sponsored by Compassion International. For more information or to sponsor a child, go to
May 22, 2023
32 min
65: Your Kids and Phones
Disclaimer: please use discretion when listening around kids. This episode contains sensitive subjects and may not be suitable for your kids. In this episode, David and Pastor J talk through the number one fear that parents have, which is something bad happening to your kids. More specifically, there are many dangers that come with your kids being exposed to or having their own phones. Let's talk about some boundaries and ways to help parents navigate these struggles.This episode is sponsored by Compassion International. For more information or to sponsor a child, go to
May 15, 2023
32 min
64: Training Your Kids In The Way Of The Lord
In this episode, David and Pastor J discuss the differences in teaching and training your kids in the way of the Lord. As believers, we are supposed to look different from the world, and as parents, it's important to model that through our personal walks with Jesus. How do we train them well? How can we prepare them for real life? Let's talk about it.This episode is sponsored by Compassion International. For more information or to sponsor a child, go to
May 8, 2023
35 min
63: Being The Man That God Called You To Be
In this episode, David and Pastor J finish talking about God’s design for the family and specifically, the husband/father being the leader of the family. What does that mean? What does that look like? Let’s talk about it. We hope this episode challenges and encourages you.This episode is sponsored by Compassion International. For more information or to sponsor a child, go to
May 1, 2023
43 min
62: Meeting Your Kids Where They Are
In this episode, David and Pastor J talk continue talking about God’s design for the family, and your relationship with your kids being after your relationship with God and your spouse.  We hope this episode challenges and encourages you.
Apr 24, 2023
30 min
61: Doing Life Together as Husband and Wife
In this episode, David and Pastor J talk continue talking about God’s design for the family, and marriage being your next priority after your personal relationship with God. Yes, your marriage must be your number one relationship, even before your kids. Let’s hear why. We hope this episode challenges and encourages you.
Apr 17, 2023
25 min
60: Ways to Have a God-Centered Family
In this episode, David and Pastor J talk continue talking about God’s design for the family, and the first priority being Jesus. Having your personal relationship with Jesus is the most important for you as a parent/spouse/ individual and they talk about showing your kids how to prioritize God in your life.
Apr 10, 2023
29 min
59: God’s Design For The Family
In this episode, David and Pastor J talk about exchanging the kid-centered family for God's design for the family. What does that look like? How can we make that happen? Let’s talk about it. We hope this episode challenges and encourages you.
Apr 3, 2023
27 min
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