Fall of Civilizations Podcast
Fall of Civilizations Podcast
Paul Cooper
18. Egypt - Fall of the Pharaohs
3 hour 58 minutes Posted Feb 1, 2024 at 8:36 am.
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Far in the distance, three colossal shapes tower over the desert horizon…
In this episode, we travel to the Nile Valley, and tell the story of one of the most iconic cultures ever produced by humankind – the civilizations of ancient Egypt. I want to show how this series of related cultures grew up in the floodplains of their great river, and built some of the most enduring and recognizable structures in the world. And I want to tell the story of what happened to bring the age of the Pharaohs finally and cataclysmically to an end.
Michael Hajiantonis
Nick Denton
Paul Casselle
Alexandra Boulton
Tom Marshall-Lee
Rhy Brignell
Peter Walters
Lachlan Lucas
Narrated and produced by Paul Cooper
Sound engineering by Alexey Sibikin
Readings in Arabic by Nassim El-Boujjoufi
Readings in reconstructed ancient Egyptian by Seqnenra (Mohammad Habib) and Doha Abd Allah Amin