Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue Podcast
Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue
Faithless Brewing
So You Want to Open an Alpha Starter: The Feast of the Unicorn - episode of Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue podcast

So You Want to Open an Alpha Starter: The Feast of the Unicorn

1 hour 10 minutes Posted Nov 26, 2024 at 2:55 am.
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Season 23, Episode 10: The N.V. Invitational
Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, we invite you to a sumptuous feast of MTG nostalgia. If you had an Alpha starter deck, what would you do with it? Would you keep it locked safe in a vault? Would you sell it for massive profit? Or maybe, just maybe, would you open it?  Our guest today is choosing option D --- not just opening an Alpha starter, but organizing a blowout sealed deck event, where Alpha will go head to head with old packs through Revised in matches played for ante. Did we mention that every card will be stamped? If you ever wanted to wrest away a pack fresh, stamped and signed Alpha Black Lotus, this is your chance!
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