This isn’t where you belong. This isn’t who you are. This isn’t how things were meant to be. How do find yourself, after being lost?
Mar 18, 2021
21 min

Despite your best efforts, things don't seem to work out. Where you struggle, others seem to have it better. How do you handle yourself in the face of doubts, hardships, and a life that appears to be in Hard Mode?
Mar 11, 2021
31 min

You may not always be able to control the hardships that confront you, but still, you can get to choose how to handle them. You get to choose to walk your own path.
Mar 4, 2021
25 min

Between being so selfless to the point that you allow others to take advantage of you, and confusing selfishness with self-love.
Feb 25, 2021
35 min

To be unworthy of rejection. To be ignored completely is more harmful than parting ways. Knowing that someone you care for didn’t think you deserve the courtesy of an explanation. Is it the lack of respect, or the fear of confrontation?
Feb 17, 2021
30 min

You've been too hard in dealing with yourself. So unforgiving until it left you feeling numb. And now, all you do is endure. How do you admit that you're weak, vulnerable, and possibly wrong?
Feb 4, 2021
20 min

Change is inevitable. However, you could be too afraid to leave your comfort zone and confront it. Along with the necessity of change, it's crucial to not confuse what's common for what's normal.
Jan 24, 2021
23 min

You're overwhelmed by feelings that overburden you. Feelings that make you wish to be emotionless and numb.
Jan 13, 2021
26 min

Between who you were then, and who you are now. You grow in ways you never thought were possible. You become someone you never thought you could be.
Jan 2, 2021
22 min

Overthinking overthinking, the balance between order and chaos, and those who don’t want to listen but only want to speak and project their thoughts.
Dec 25, 2020
17 min
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