Exposing The Scam With In The Injury Lawyers LOUISVILLE KY Podcast

Exposing The Scam With In The Injury Lawyers LOUISVILLE KY

Wayne Aullldave
I'm David your normal concern once proud of louisville now I find myself in a war I never thought I be in middle of nor did I ever think in the mix of this knock down drag out right after the whole deal we faced last year in 2020 to be 2021 to find my self in the heart an the position where a hand full of dirty for sure lawyers in the injury field iv uncover more dirty the scam no telling how long it been going on an you be surprised just how far this reaches in the system an just how many involved an the hush money pay offs to all those who is done body that can offer the needed to keep peop
Exposing the start of the brake down one by one
Bringing down the inside scams of a small circle of injury lawyers under the protection of a dirty family court judge an louisville bar an so many others in system turning there heads ignoreing crimes committed by these attonarys they punishment on me block listed me for talking standing up to them they have held me down for defending a handy cap man who was being TAKEING advantage of explottdd an when he attempt to stand this lawyer john decammillis his self has work hard to keep out of reach the trust fund statements an keep the secrets hidden from exposing he denied steve the right to see updates on his accounts an this man had his rights in place how the hell do u get away over look an how we get ignore why do we have to stand here any damn longer allowing these scum bags to rip our life's one by one away as they rob all the victims that come to them an trust them so they target there victims the ones who has no family's no right then they lie say brain injury added to later back up extra protection to make there lies more beleaveable they try hard to cover it but I no what they did an I'm going as far as I have to to get this group TAKEING down all the way I need ur help I'm putting my life really on the line here an I was giveing the warning I chose to trust my people the public the only protection standing between me one man knowing an death one man being silenced by these dirty lawyers people by remaining silent doing nothing could cost ur love one tomm falling pray to these rotten scamming injury fraud committing lawyers an judge an we have done all we can to report stop lmpd ignore three hire hits fail on me only because I don't rest I have to set up sleep one eye open watch my own back my girl an me have been target only reason we aren't dead yet is it draw to much attention. Being I have a law suit in court an that look really bad on these group of lawyers now u look back 2006 watch this you tube video of john decammillis an you tell me if this bum should be a lawyer in louisville ky ok it could have been ur kid he explored abused an violated these are court trusted lawyers that the system by not reacting an doing any thing by not steping. In to hold these lawyers accounted an louisville bar knows very well from my reports county attonarys office knows now 6 attempts they blow it off 8 police reports nothing done these people try to kill me three times police lmpd did nothing laugh at me they agree then said we can't give u reason we only order not to get involved at all to let what happens happen they advised me to leave state now how much more damage has to happen do I have to die now because I repectdd an trust the city to get ingage an stand with me an help me help ur self help ur city take the stand we did it last year why can't we do it again we can't start this an not finish it it tell the system the people fear an cave in we here now let's not send the wrong signal to these assholes violating us look up john decammillis on you tube an watch it no this sick fuck is still a lawyer an suffer nothing for any of all these major fed crimes only provided protection for him while he does this sick crap sick sick child porn exploting it for money what the hell lawyer we the people trusted many clients trusted in past yo find out ur lawyer was a child sicko violator turns my stomach I'm so lost on this this asshole still practicing law right now at his office on third street in down town louisville people rise no room for this bunch to be here in system they have to be held accounted an now please people hear. My cry my life I put on line in ur trust to respond we need ur help now please make the move be the change end this right don't let this go unotice ur voice does matter help us two men against the system
Jun 17, 2021
22 min