Exformation Podcast


Will Rinehart
Effective communication depends on a shared body of knowledge between the persons communicating. In using words, sounds, and gestures, the speaker has deliberately thrown away a huge body of information, though it remains implied. This shared context is called exformation. Information is the measurable, demonstrable utterance we actually come out with - whereas Exformation is everything we do not actually say but have in our heads when, or before, we say anything at all.
Putting a wrap on Season 1 with a look back in time
As we put a wrap on Season 1, there have been too many great policy discussions this season to choose from. Tune in to this week's Exformation episode where Will and Caden discuss their favorite moments and add new insights to the discussion.
Sep 15, 2021
1 hr 3 min
Regulatory Sandboxes: the serious solution with a funny name
As innovative entrepreneurs push products and services beyond imagination to benefit consumers, regulations tend to fall behind.
Sep 9, 2021
24 min
CHIPS for America : What Happened to All the Chips?
What happened to all the chips? From the microchips that power the Sony's PS5 to the smart chips that control autonomous vehicles, in this week’s episode Will and Caden dig into the science and economics behind the chip shortage that’s stalling out the production of entire industries. 
Aug 31, 2021
28 min
The Broadband Experiment Wrapped up in the Senate’s Infrastructure Bill
In this week’s Exformation episode, Will and Caden discuss the Broadband funding provisions detailed in the historic $1 Trillion infrastructure bill that passed the Senate this August.
Aug 24, 2021
31 min
The states cook up experiments in privacy law
In this week’s Exformation episode, Will and Caden work through the state of data privacy in the U.S. and the implications of state-based laws on business owners across the country.
Aug 17, 2021
27 min
The Antitrust Movement with Aurelien Portuese
In this week’s Exformation episode, Will and Caden invite Aurelien Portuese from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), and Lead of ITIF’s new Schumpeter Project, to discuss the evolving role of the FTC, the growing movement toward a neo-Brandeisian approach to antitrust, and the Schumpeterian notion that innovation, not price, is what drives competitive economies.
Aug 10, 2021
44 min
Killer Acquisitions and Big Tech
In this week’s episode of Exformation, Will and Caden discuss President Biden’s recent executive order on competition and the research on killer acquisitions that have informed the Administration’s approach to tech companies. 
Aug 3, 2021
36 min
Innovation Series: What Would You Do with $100 Billion?
In this episode of Exformation, Will and Caden take a step back from the usual policy conversations to ask: what are some of the great challenges we could solve if innovation and technology weren’t so cost prohibitive?
Jul 27, 2021
35 min
The Eternal Return of Common Carriage
In this week’s episode of Exformation, Will and Caden talk about the latest CGO work on Internet regulation focused on recent proposals to implement common carriage regulation over online speech.
Jul 20, 2021
24 min
Space, the Final Frontier, with Eli Dourado
In today's Exformation episode, Will and Caden invite special guest Eli Dourado, Senior Research Fellow at the CGO, to discuss the future of Space exploration, commercialization, and NASA.
Jul 13, 2021
43 min
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